Life On the Brink

Autumn Bucket List: books, recipes, and fall firsts with my baby

Anna Perkins Season 5 Episode 117

Hello hello, and welcome to Episode 117 of Life On the Brink!

It’s that magical time of year! The autumn season is upon us and I for one couldn’t be happier about it. This is my first fall with a new baby, and I’ve got so many books, crafts, recipes and family ideas to intentionally soak up the coziness of the season.

In this episode I’m simply sharing my Autumn Bucket List to help get you in the autumnal spirit and make the most of this fall!

Plus, this week's Little Joy is a cooking device that made baking a cake so much easier, and I'm sharing a gorgeous album of autumnal atmospheric music.

For the complete show notes, click here!
For full transcript, click here!

Social: @anna_on_the_keys


Anna, welcome to Life on the brink, a lovely little place filled with inspiration and creativity that is dedicated to enjoying life one day at a time, I'm Anna, and together, we're exploring the beautiful things in this world that fascinate us and often discovering something new. Hello. Welcome to Episode 117 of life on the brink. Happy fall. It is finally fall I've been waiting for. It feels like several weeks I've been getting slowly excited for the fall season, and now it's here. I could not be more excited. I feel like this spring and summer was just all baby focused, preparing for the baby and then caring for the baby. And I feel like this season is the first in a while that I'm excited to do new things and to get back into creativity and to just experience the season completely. And this time with my baby, which is very exciting. She's now about three and a half months old, and it's her first fall. She's never known a day that wasn't so hot and humid like she's just barely understanding what a cool breeze feels like. I hope that your fall has started well, we have now just barely begun, so I know that it might not feel quite like the fall season yet, wherever you live, and some days that's the case. Here today, it's quite warm and still humid, but not quite scorching hot, and the cooler days are coming. So if you like me, are excited for the things to come, then this episode is just gonna be a nice, cozy chat. I'm just gonna be sharing the things that I'm looking forward to this fall, some books, some crafts and activities and recipes, of course, and yeah, just all of the cozy things. So I invite you today, perhaps more than ever, to stop and make yourself a nice cup of tea or coffee. I've actually been drinking quite a bit of coffee lately. I've kind of become like a coffee in the morning tea in the midday or evening sort of girl lately. But either one, go ahead and make yourself a nice, comforting, sweet cup. And let's talk about the fall season. I can't believe it's here. And the point of this is just to really soak up the season while we have it. When you think about it, there's really only, like, three months out of the year left, and it's really easy sometimes to just think about Christmas and think ahead and and the holidays and the next year and all of that sort of thing. But this year, I'm returning to the idea of a bucket list of making planning fun, basically, so that we don't stay so busy all the time and miss it. And I feel especially now, because I have a baby, I have to make more conscious effort to really do the things that I love, and I'm always glad when I do sometimes it just takes a little bit of planning or inspiration. So hopefully this brings a little bit of that to you as well. First off, I'm so glad that it's not 90 100 degrees out now, because I have missed being outside, and in particular, taking walks outside on the day that I'm recording this. I actually took one today. I had Zoe in the stroller, and it wasn't super hot. It still wasn't crisp, like I wasn't wearing a jacket or any layers or anything, but it has been so hot when it gets to, like July, basically all of July and August, unless you're at the beach, no one around here wants to be outside, including myself. I had this baby on June 11, and I did take a couple walks here and there, but it was just so hot. What's the one thing that really clears my mind and really affects my mental health in a great way on a daily basis? A walk and what is absolutely impossible to do in the summer with a baby, take a walk unless it's very early in the morning, which you know the way sleep is right now. Haven't been wanting to do or late at night, and lately I just it gets into bedtime mode for her. It's. So I love a late morning or afternoon walk. It sort of splits up the day. It helps to clear my mind of anything else that's going on. And I haven't been able to do that, but I'm really glad to finally get back into walking, because it's great exercise. It's fresh air. And right now the leaves are starting to turn, and it's just beautiful, so especially once they get crunchy, very, very fun. So sometimes I'll have Zoe in a carrier on me, or in a little wrap, or sometimes in the stroller, and she loves it. She loves being outside and looking at the trees. So that's number one. And if you, like me, have been inside a lot of the summer, let's just, let's adventure. Let's if you don't live in an area with trees like I do, if you live more in a city, or depending on your climate, whatever it is, find a nice trail and enjoy the weather. Next up, we got to talk about books. Obviously, my reading journey has not been stellar in 2024 as I suspected, but I am finding times and ways to read again, mostly, you know, during nap time for her or when I'm putting her to bed, sometimes I will be or putting her for a nap. I should say I'll be in the little rocking chair, and as I'm making sure she's in a nice deeper sleep, I'll read a chapter two of a book. And I also like to have one on me when I'm out and about, in case I'm just waiting for something rather than pull out my phone, I like to have a book on me. And really, I've got three main books in mind for this season. I believe I may have mentioned, well, I've probably mentioned several of these before, but point is, this is my reading my TBR for this fall. Number one is a Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde, I bought a copy my local used bookstore was having a huge sale, and I got several books. I'm trying to read more classics this year. I think it's the fact that the autumn always feels more academic to me, and I just want to read classics and have deep conversations and get philosophical generally. And so I plan to read picture Dorian Gray. I think I'm really gonna love it, because what I have heard and read of Oscar Wilde's writing, it's really like the type of beautiful prose that I think I'm just going to eat up. And kind of in that same vein, another classic is Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier. This is a little bit more contemporary, but still about 100 years old. It came out in 1938 and I am understanding that it's a little bit like Gothic, sort of mysterious, and that those who like this book really love this book, so I would consider it a classic ish. You know, I don't know how far you have to expand the Western canon before this book makes it, but that's also because it was a little bit of a spooky vibe. I hope to read that one this year, and I do have a physical copy. I think that that is going to help me in both of these situations. And then this, this I'm really excited about. I think it's time to do a reread of The Night Circus by Aaron Morgenstern. You know this book. You've probably seen this book, but if you haven't, it is, how old is it? It was published in 2011 so not a classic, but, but still a classic. Really, I think it will be. It is it is fall, like it is the epitome of fall, at least in my memory, it is, and that's the point of this reread, because I read this book probably, like, 10 years ago almost, and it quickly became my favorite book of all time. And I've kind of kept it up, like, in my memory, it's been so awesome that I've just sort of kept it as, like, one of my favorite books, and then I realized recently, like, I haven't read it in many years, to the point where now I don't remember everything which is excellent. When I really enjoy a story, it tends to just stick, and I remember everything about it. And so I'm glad that enough years have passed that I'm gonna reread it, and I'll tell you what I read probably like two, three years ago, Aaron Morgenstern, second book, The starless sea. And I was so excited for this book, and I don't know what even happened in this book, like it was crazy. I. Was pretty disappointed, not gonna lie, because the first half of it is so beautiful and descriptive, and it's everything that I wanted from Aaron Morgenstern, and it's just the the extreme coziness, but also mystery, and also just, I want to know more. I want to know about this world. I need to understand. And it's just like, told in fables and stories, and then it's like the whole book is a metaphor of itself, or something like it goes super meta to the point where I have no idea what happened. I don't know what was real and what was not, and I don't actually know what happened in this book or where it was, so if you would like to just go on a trip of beautiful, descriptive imagery, then go ahead with the starless sea. But The Night Circus just remains, at least in my memory, but also it's like, quite acclaimed at this point as an excellent book. It's basically about these two magicians, and they are doing battle in this circus. And it's not like, like a dueling battle, fighting each other. It's instead like, who can create the most beautiful, immersive experience ever within this circus, and a lot of it takes place in the fall. In fact, it might exclusively be in the fall, and it's just fantastic, like the smells, the tastes, the everything I can you're there. And I think what I want to do is I mentioned probably it might have been last Christmas season, or maybe two Christmases ago. I've been wanting to do this thing for a while now, where basically you make a kit of little, tiny gifts that go with a book. So they'll each have a page number, and it'll say at this part of the story on this page, open this and whether it's a candle to represent, like a scent of where you are, or it's a, you know, like it's things to further immerse you in the story. And it sounds so cozy, but I have yet to do it, and I think this is the perfect book for it. So as I'm reading The Night Circus this second time, I'm gonna make notes of moments where it will lend itself to an extra sensory element so that then I can assemble and gift it to someone else at some point. And what's nice about this book two is, if I remember correctly, a lot of it is dated, like events that take place on a certain date. So it might even be sort of like advent calendar style, but through October and November. So this is my idea for The Night Circus, and I'm just really excited to see if it's as good as I remember it, and to just feel all of those excellent fall vibes again. And those are my three books that I'm sort of like putting on my own. TBR, if I somehow get through them and want to add something else I do try to read an Agatha Christie mystery, or a similar kind of mystery where it's it's a true mystery, and you got to figure it out. I've just been working my way through some Agatha Christie's, but I'm open to other authors as well. So if you know of a good mystery, feel free to send it my way, and especially if it's not too long, I might get to that as well. Now, I've spoken about like TV shows before in previous autumn episodes, and I won't touch on any of those in this episode. Neither will I get into movies, because there's a whole episode just about autumn Movie Night, which I'll leave a link to in the show notes. Instead, I'm actually gonna mention two video games. I know I am not much of a gamer girl. However, there are two games that have just really been cozy. And I thought, You know what? I don't think I've ever talked about a video game ever on this podcast, but I know that you may enjoy and so if that's interesting to you, then I have two recommendations. One, I couldn't tell you how Josh found it, but it's a puzzle game that we played together shortly after Zoe was born, in those postpartum days when I was just feeding her, or she was napping, or whatever, and we were just living on the couch, and it was actually a really cozy time. The game is called chance of Senar, I'm guessing is how you would say it, cenar, S, E, N, A, A, R, and it's not a super long game, like we It didn't take us too long. To finish, and it's a puzzle game, which is generally how I enjoy to play any sort of game I'm not really into the fighting or combat ones generally, or games that are too expansive. And this is just right. It's based on the idea of languages. And so you are dropped into this world and are trying to figure out what is going on based on learning different languages, which is a really cool concept, I think. And it's all written languages, and some of them are structured differently than others. And on a metaphorical scale, it's really about misunderstanding people and the role of communication. And I think it's really also about covid. I was, I like, looked up the development of the game, and indeed, some of it was adapted and made during 2020 because you can see very clear parallels of, you know, isolation and things like that, but also the imagery, like the art style is really beautiful, and there are kind of some very distinct worlds. And not only do the languages look different, the characters look different, but also the coloring and the saturation. And, yeah, it's just really beautiful. And I thought it was a really great game. So that's one, and then the second is much more popular. And I know I just said that I don't love games that are too expansive, because the sort of RPG style, like quests and side quests, it just seems so big. And I've never been a fan until now, because this is the fall when I have begun Hogwarts legacy. Oh yes, I knew that it was gonna come at some point. But this year, we have the correct console for it, and I knew it was going to be a nice, fall, winter, cozy game. And indeed, I was right. It has been. So just just cozy is the perfect word. It's comforting, but also adventurous. And again, I'm not great at video games, and so I'm having to learn, but it's within that familiar universe of Harry Potter and Josh is he's so excited that I'm now playing a video game and enjoy it, because he's tried to get me to play several In the past, and they just, they don't take but I'm having such a great time. We've both been playing it and, you know, individually, and it's just such a nice it's been a, you know, after Zoe goes to bed sort of thing, like a nighttime activity. But I've just really been enjoying it, and I'm gonna take it slow. I'm in no rush whenever I feel like playing a little bit here and there, and you know, I'm not on a deadline. So those are the two games I wanted to recommend. Next up, we have events and holidays. Obviously, this will be Zoe's first fall season, and so I'm really excited to experiment into the Halloween costume territory. I have an idea brewing. We'll see about it. And a friend of mine always throws a Halloween party a few weeks before, and so whatever I wear to that party, I'll just wear on Halloween. And I'm also looking forward to this season, because last October was the height of my first trimester nausea, like it was rough, and so Halloween last year, I was just really tired. Didn't feel super great, but it was still fun, because it was the first Halloween in our house, and so we actually had trick or treaters come to the door, and it was excellent. And I made soup. And so I'm thinking I may just want to go one step further, like we'll actually wear our costumes on that night, which are very low key, whatever they will be, and, you know, have more of a theme, a themy vibe. And I made, I have made in the past some like homemade protein peanut butter cups, and I didn't last year, but I think that's a nice sort of like having a homemade candy is a really special thing for Halloween, and so I don't know, these are just my ideas. I'm excited to dress Zoe up as something, and I'm sure I'll be sharing pictures of that on Instagram. And of course, every year, if you have been following this podcast, my sister and I have an Oktoberfest. Night in which we just make German food. Try to watch a well, we've kind of exhausted all the German and Bavarian films that we know of. If you know a good one, let me know. So we've just been watching like a fall movie, and again last year, I felt so sick to my stomach and couldn't have beer. So this year, very excited about that. And this year, Zoe's gonna have her first Thanksgiving. And my family goes to an apple orchard every year. And even last year, when we were there, I was just thinking about the next year when she would be what, like four, four or five months old, and just having her in a little carrier walking around. And I just can't wait to have her there. And it's so cool to think about traditions that I had growing up. Like we've been going to this apple orchard since I was, like, five years old or something. And now she will be there, and now she will experience Thanksgiving. And just the generational legacy of it all is very exciting to me. And even though some things, you know, traveling to certain places like it's a little bit difficult, sometimes, or more difficult, I should say, with a baby, it's just more to think about, but it's gonna be really special, and it has been special thus far. So let me move on to more home centered things. Firstly, in the Crafty sort of world, I am going to finish this sweater that I started last year. It Well, it's a cardigan. Actually, I started making this beautiful patchwork cardigan last fall, probably exactly a year ago. Actually, I was really working on it, and it's got orange and brown and yellow and cream, and it's beautiful. It's going to be beautiful. And I did not finish it at all, but I've been working on it little by little. Again, having two hands free with a baby not really happening very often, but I have found that sometimes taking it with me, taking, you know, my little yarn bag with me in the car, if I'm traveling somewhere with Josh, if we're going to someone's house or whatever, then I can't, I can't hold the baby, then I just have to do something with my hands. And that's worked out. But I'm really excited because I'm going to pick out some beautiful wooden buttons, and I hope to have it done so that I can wear it in this fall season, I just feel like the colder weather invites these yarn crafts even more. I love to crochet in the colder weather. It just makes sense. Even though there's some really cute, like airy, breezy crocheted projects that I've done in the spring and summer, it just feels so cozy to do it in the fall and winter. So I hope to do more of that. And also I I've seen in several places this fall preserving things in beeswax. It's just sort of come up a lot in my area of the internet, but taking just pure beeswax, and particularly I'm thinking about autumn leaves, because I do like to press leaves and press flowers, but putting them like preserving them in beeswax, just takes it another step further. And so I'm wondering if I can do that with with some of the leaves I find this year, or maybe even press some of the flowers in the garden and see if I can preserve them to use for decoration in the home or to add to a gift somehow or something like that. But it seems like a great option because it leaves like the finished product still seems to be quite flexible. It's not like a resin, you know, not a hard casing, but it still has a nice, shiny finish. So I'm interested to find out more. And speaking of decor, let's move over into the home. I am really getting into um decorating seasonally, but in a more minimal way, rather than investing in more leaf garlands or lots of pumpkins or lots of bright colors, I think I'm going more toward a a natural, dried and vintage look. Just this week, I set up, you know, I decorated for fall, and I kind of have kept it generally to the living room, a little dining room, just an accent or two in the kitchen, and then the the powder room downstairs. I'm not concerned with decorating every room, but I. So my house already has a little bit of yellow running through it, and so I'm trying to play more into that dried flower, yellow with a little bit of orange, rather than just throw orange on everything. And I'm trying to go more into the natural dried dried flower, pressed leaf, that sort of thing, rather than things that are too that look too over the top, I guess, is what I'm what I'm coming to. I'm just enjoying seeing how I can bring the seasons into my existing home, rather than transform it every season. And with that, I so enjoy antiquing and thrifting really special vintage pieces. Like last week, I got a table runner, which is now on my coffee table, and it's very sweet. It's in more muted shades of like a beige and brown with little bits of orange, and it has sort of a timeless feel to it. And on top of that, I have, like a glass dish that is clear. It's in the shape of a leaf, and the veins of the leaf are in gold. And I'm just using that to corral some things on the table, and then I have a candle and a vase of some flowers that I dried that are in kind of the same yellow and gold color scheme. And in fact, there's a vintage market if you are in the Hampton Roads area, if you're local to me, the Smithfield vintage fall, yeah, Autumn vintage market in Smithfield is beautiful. It's wonderful. It's where I got my huge, Great Gatsby poster last year. But I can't wait to go and scout for tablecloths and just sweet details that can sort of bring fall into my home and then also just separate from seasonal decorating, this season, I'm really going to be intentional about trying to set up my home library. Even more great strides have been made over the summer, but I'm trying to see if I can bring it together so that when it gets nice and cold, it's it feels done in in at least one iteration, and we can enjoy that in the cozy winter months. And I also have one other fun sort of activity planned for this season. Josh, if you happen to be listening and it's before your birthday, don't listen. I doubt it, but you know, just making sure we Josh and I, since we've been dating, we make scavenger hunts for each other, and I haven't made one for him since his birthday in I think it was 2021 might even have been 2020 but we made one together for another family member last two years ago. So it's been a while, and I had the idea to make another one for him for this birthday. And I think I'm just gonna have it in our home so that he can have all the time that he needs to solve it. But I think the clues will be the thing. I feel like it either has to be the finding of the clues or the puzzles within each clue that you highlight. And so I'm just gonna make the clues more difficult, because he knows where a lot of things are in our house, but that's going to be fun for me to sort of plan out, and then I know it's going to be fun for him to discover and to figure out. And, you know, it's been a big summer, and we haven't, you know, found our new rhythm completely, and it's just been a lot, you know, to change and adapt to so I think something a little special for his birthday will be really sweet. Okay, let's move to recipes and cooking. I am really interested in delving more into pastry and bread. This fall, I made my very first chicken pot pie within the past month. I was not raised on pot pie, but Josh was, and so I used a really simple recipe, and used pre made puff pastry, and it was delightful. I think it was very good. So I do plan to make more of those, and I want to maybe see if I can mess around with the crust portion and how it goes with the pre made puff pastry, or maybe in like a biscuit sort of way, or, you know, different things. But I'll leave a link to that. To pee, and, yeah, it was just really hearty and comforting. But I also, I've been dreaming about, generally, the things that you can do with puff pastry. And I want to make some sort of squash galette or tart, like a savory autumnal tart. And maybe with goat cheese or sage or I'm still developing it. I don't know what it's going to be, but every time I use puff pastry, I'm just amazed at how it makes everything delicious and easy. And so I think I just want to use it as a vehicle to make beautiful autumn things both sweet and savory. And of course, it is soup season. I've already made once the half baked harvest chicken and gnocchi soup, which is fantastic. I'll definitely be making that again many times this season. I'm also kind of feeling like I want to make a French onion soup, which I've never made personally, but it's been sounding really good. And again, I guess the idea of the crust, the the top, the the cheese and the bread and the just I'm that really appeals to me. And so it may be a French onion autumn. I wonder if there's a way you can do it in a crock pot. Because I'm just thinking, No, I could probably do it. I'm just trying to think of ways in which I don't have to be on the on the watch at the stove for too long. But you know, if I make it during a nap time. It can just be a nice, easy cooking session. And finally, I really want to make more focaccia this season. I made it once last winter, and it's been in the back of my mind for quite a while, and it's just the perfect accompaniment to all of these soups. And so I will leave a link. I believe it was the New York Times recipe, not 100% sure, but I'll find it. And it was a very simple focaccia. I was amazed, because bread has not been like intuitive to me, but I would love to make more breads of all kinds, both, again, sweet and savory, pumpkin bread and bread bread. And lastly, I'll just talk about the garden. I think I mentioned in the last episode that I finally cleaned it up. My mom helped me, because I just let it go. All summer, I did absolutely nothing, and it was so overgrown and so unruly, and now it's not which is great, and I've just been focusing on the front garden by my front door. I've got a couple pumpkins ready to be on the stoop. I made an autumn wreath, actually just by I got a plain woven, not woven like the twisted brown wreath from the craft store and some fall florals that were on sale, and I just made it myself, but I have my annual mums, and I'm trying to figure out where to plant them. The garden bed is still really beautiful because Zinnias are it for me. I love them. They're still happy and thriving. So I just need to deadhead those and make some room for some chrysanthemums, and then I'm gonna put some in pots by the front door as well. And I think I even have enough that I'll put one or two on the back deck, because it's now cool enough that I can enjoy some time out there, and Zoe loves to be outside, and we might have more meals out there again. And so basically, it's, it's mom's season, and I've got a few pumpkins, a few little touches to make it pretty and autumnal, and I'm gonna keep an eye out, because I know it's also bulb season, and I would love to plant more bulbs that will come up next spring. And so I'm just gonna keep an eye out at the nursery to see what I can find. And those are my things. That's the list I am really excited for this season. Yeah, I just feel more myself and these different ideas and activities are just going to help me to celebrate the season. And so feel free to take any and all of them and brighten up your own home. And also, I'm going to leave links in the show notes to previous autumn episodes that you may enjoy. Episode 97 was last year's autumn favorites, all the books, teas, recipes and projects I'm loving this season. Episode 68 was seasonal inspiration from my trip to Banff, Canada. That was a really fun one. Episode 67 it. Is just another fall episode, Episode 38 lots of them. And then, of course, Autumn Movie Night. So if you'd like to find all the rest of those, you can head to the show notes, which are at life on the brink. Dot live. I'll leave links to all the things I mentioned today, as well as some pictures and things and this week's playlist, which I'm really excited about, so let's get into that. I will be right back with this week's little joy. This week's little joy is a tool that made a tedious job so much more simple, and helped me make something delicious. And this is something I really didn't know about and had never tried using before this past weekend, but it is a rotary cheese grater, or just a rotary grater, but I think that's how it's usually advertised, as as a cheese grater. I made a carrot cake, because one of my dear friends got married this past weekend, and at the reception, there were just like 10 different cakes made by various people. And so I made a carrot cake, and it's this fantastic recipe, but I remembered it being quite a labor of love, mostly because I used a box grader to shred all of the carrots. So I asked my sister, because she had one of these, and now I'm getting one, because it made everything so much easier. I was able to shred all the carrots in like, a matter of seconds, minutes, like it was amazing, and it was a perfect, fine shred, and then everything else just came together much easier. This is a really good recipe. It has coconut and pineapple and walnuts and raisins, and it was not that difficult. This time around, I had it in my head as, like this big project of a cake, and it really wasn't, and the cream cheese frosting came together really easily, and I decorated it with cinnamon and walnuts and a few roses. It was beautiful, if I may say so myself, and I think it was delicious. It was such a good carrot cake. So I'll leave a link to that recipe as well, because it was really, really good. I'm not going to stray from this recipe, but this grater I can imagine. Now I'm thinking of all the times that I've hand shredded cheese, carrots, zucchini, you name it, and no more I am getting one. It was such a time saver. I loved it, and it helped me make something really beautiful and delicious. Now, as I mentioned, I'm very excited about this week's playlist, which is actually an album, and it is, let's see. Here we go. It's got a long name. It's from Hogwarts legacy, the video game I was mentioning, and it's just such good music. It's so atmospheric. It's called Hogwarts, Legacy steady themes from the original video game soundtrack, which is actually an official album from the game, and it's lovely. There's a few tracks on it that are a little bit too intense, but, you know, you can skip them if you're not in the mood for them. Most of them, though, are very whimsical and weird, and it's been fun having it on in the background, as I'm just, you know, playing with Zoe or taking care of things in the house. It just feels a little bit more magical. And it's crazy how you can hear the influences of John Williams, even through other composers, because he wrote the original soundtrack to the first Harry Potter movie and so like that has colored everything that any other composer in any other Harry Potter media has written, and it's just fantastic. So I'll leave that Spotify playlist in the show notes. And speaking of Spotify, if you listen on Spotify and you have not yet. It means so much to me, and I would very appreciate it if you would leave a star rating on this podcast, and if you listen on Apple podcasts, you can do the same, and you can even leave a review. And I love reading those whenever they do show up. It just really means a lot, and it helps others who would enjoy this podcast find this podcast. So thank you so much for listening. I hope that you have a beautiful autumn season. I hope that this episode brings you a bit of inspiration and that you're able to be intentional about enjoying this time while it's here. Thank you so much for listening. I'll be back in two weeks with a brand new episode all about becoming a new mom. Thank you for tuning in to this episode of Life on the brink. If you're enjoying these episodes, please feel free to leave a star rating, or, even better, leave a review on Apple podcasts to help spread the word. For podcast, show notes and extra inspirational posts throughout the week. Head to the blog at life on the brink. Dot live. And if you'd like a little extra dose of inspiration in your life, sign up for the monthly newsletter, which lights up your inbox the first Friday of each month. Thank you so much for listening, and until next time, friends, you have a lovely week. Bye. You