Life On the Brink

Spreading generosity and kindness this Christmas

Anna Perkins Season 4 Episode 104

Hello hello, and welcome to Episode 104 of Life On the Brink!

Christmastime is such a special time of year, not only because it’s filled with special music, food, and family traditions that we can only experience once a year, but because there’s an intangible spirit of goodwill and charity that appears. In the presence of such festive cheer, it’s actually seasonably appropriate to be kind and generous.

In this episode, I’m sharing a few simple ways you can give to others, either with money or resources or time or energy. As we are reminded of the abundance we have in family, security, love, hope and joy, let us spread that to others!

Plus, this week's Little Joy took place on a normal Monday, and I've got a beautiful album of Christmas music to bring some cheer to your home.

For the complete show notes, click here!
For full transcript, click here!

Social: @anna_on_the_keys


Welcome to Life on the brink, a lovely little place filled with inspiration and creativity that is dedicated to enjoying life one day at a time. I'm Ana. And together, we're exploring the beautiful things in this world that fascinate us, and often discovering something new. Hello, hello, welcome to episode 104 of life on the brink. We're halfway through December, which is just wild. And on the day that this episode comes out, it's only 11 days until Christmas. It's less than two weeks away, I can feel it, I can feel it coming very quickly now. But I'm excited. I hope that this episode finds you well, that you're enjoying your Christmas season as much as you can. Probably you're in the last little bit of some really busy season. I know that I am. But today's episode will hopefully be some comforting and uplifting thoughts. I mentioned last week that I was in the middle of like a string of shows with the Virginia Symphony Orchestra. And those are finally done. It was a very big weekend, like four days in a row of singing and playing various, various gigs. But by the end of this week, I have just a few more days before all of the school concerts and the last little bits of gigs and concerts are done. And then I can really settle in for probably about the last week before Christmas. And then of course, the week after Christmas of just spending time with family and wrapping Christmas gifts and baking a lot. I already know that it's going to be a lot of baking. So I'm really, really looking forward to this break. Christmas time is such a special time of year, not only because it's filled with special music, and food and family traditions, things that we only experience once a year. But because there's also a like an intangible spirit of goodwill, and charity that appears or tends to appear. And an actually becomes seasonably appropriate to be kind and generous. And today's episode is about just that. This was actually an idea from a listener, I sort of pulled the crowd when I was looking toward holiday episodes. And this was an idea that really stuck with me. Today we're going to be talking about generosity, giving to others. And being a blessing to others. Ways that we can be intentional with giving with a spirit of giving, if you will. I think that it's a really beautiful, important part of this season. And hopefully Today's episode will not add any pressure to your plate but rather just sort of free you up to feel a bit lighter, a bit more able to give because I've got some really interesting ideas I'm going to share so don't, don't get all nervous, it's okay. In fact, let's all relax a little bit. Go ahead and make yourself a nice warm cup of tea or coffee or hot chocolate. And let's relax a little bit I fortunately have returned to my love of tea i It had been a little bit when I got pregnant I just sort of let it go. It wasn't appealing to me. And surprisingly, it's come back with teas that I wasn't really drawn to before as much meaning like light teas, like green teas, herbal teas, things like that. I've really been on my camera meal game, as I mentioned last week, but even more so I have been drinking a lot of gamma meal and a lot of this particular tea. I got a hold of Trader Joe's candy cane green tea. And I know that I believe celestial also has like a candy cane or Candy Cane Lane or something like that. But this one has notes of peppermint, vanilla and a little bit of cinnamon. It's so nice. And it's decaffeinated, which is lovely for me having to now watch my caffeine for the first time in my life. And it's so, so comforting and like refreshing and invigorating at the same time. So I'm really enjoying it. I love that I've come back to tea. I love the ritual of it. And yeah, I'm looking forward to just seeing what what else I'm drawn to. But you can make whatever you like. Let's settle in. And first I'd like to share one of My favorite quotes from one of my favorite books, of course, I'm talking about A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. I've probably said this quote on the podcast before, but gotta do it again. This is when Scrooge is nephew, Fred comes into the his office in the beginning of the book. And he expresses to Scrooge like the importance of Christmas, basically, this is a big quote, I won't do an accent. You're welcome. But this is how it goes. This is what Fred says, I am sure I have always thought of Christmas time when it has come around. Apart from the veneration due to its sacred name and origin, if anything belonging to it can be apart from that, as a good time, a kind, forgiving, charitable, pleasant time. The only time I know of in the long calendar of the year, when men and women seemed by one consent to open their Shut up hearts freely, and to think of people below them as if they really were fellow passengers to the grave, and not another race of creatures bound on other journeys. And therefore, uncle, though it has never put a scrap of gold or silver in my pocket, I believe that it has done me good, and will do me good. And I say, God bless it. I love this quote, because it shows how Christmas is special, and is loved and has been loved. Even in poverty, even, you know, in spite of the things that that many of us take for granted today, like like gifts, and all the little special things that we do or buy or are able to do. It's just a beautiful time. It's a time of celebration, and is ideal for sharing with others for being generous and kind to others. And to see each other as well the quote says fellow passengers to the grave. But, but you could also translate that as equals, you know, men and women together on this earth. And so in this episode, I would also like to take it one step forward along those same lines. Christmas is the perfect time to exercise generosity. And there are so many ways both big and small, that we can be kind and generous with those around us. I believe it's really powerful and beautiful when we take advantage of those. So I'm going to be sharing a few simple ways that you can give to others, either with money or with resources or with time or with energy. I know that many of us feel strapped for some of those things during this time. But where you can share, as we are reminded of the abundance that we have in family security, love, hope, joy. Let us spread that to others. And I think we all tend to be quite giving to those in our family because we have the tradition of gift giving. But these are ways that we can look beyond those that we would normally that we normally interact with ways that we can give to people that we may not even know. Now, here's a few words on the subject I have beforehand, just like a little note, I am I completely understand that for one reason or another. The holidays can also be very challenging. You may not always feel secure in your own world in money or resources or, or love or hope. So how can you be expected to give to another? Firstly, at my own personal opinion, I feel like sometimes we feel that way because we feel so rushed because things move so quickly. And if we actually slow down to think about it, we probably don't need to do all the things that we feel like we need to do. But mostly my encouragement is simply this. Often our problems however valid they are, as well as our pain or our grief, or whatever we have going on. Those things feel so amplified when we give them our attention. When we focus on our issues, we are inward focused, self-conscious, these simple acts of generosity, shift that focus outside of yourself. Not only can that put things more into perspective, I talk about perspective a lot just because it's been something that's really sat on me for a while. But also every item on the following list that I'm going to share with you also reminds you that you are not alone. You're part of a local or national or global community. And adding goodness or beauty to that community is never a waste of time or have money. And I personally have felt the positive effects of giving. Even when I didn't know I had the resources to give. Sometimes it's just as beneficial. All, I would say oftentimes just as beneficial to the giver as it is to the receiver. And as I mentioned, I think it was on the Thanksgiving Day episode on gratitude. Most of us in one way or another, have everything that we need. And so these are just some really beautiful ways to share, to give and to participate with this beautiful season of Christmas time. Also, I'm not suggesting you do every single thing on this list. I mean, if you'd like to go ahead, knock yourself out. But rather if one or two or three of them stand out to you, or if they come to your mind later, if opportunity arises, maybe just give it a try. So here we go. First on my list is to prepare simple gifts for your either your teachers, or perhaps your kids, teachers, as this is a very busy season for them. And it's the perfect time to let them know how much you appreciate them. I am a part time teacher, and I'm feeling it. So I know that those that dedicate much more of their time, to teaching to educating that it's it's a very, it can be very stressful time right now. And either way, it's very busy. And I know that it's somewhat common sometimes depending on where you live, to give to teachers. But I really, I think it's a fantastic idea. Generally, I have found in my experience, and both have heard from others that, of course, edible gifts are loved. But really, you can't go wrong with a gift card or with like, just cash, honestly. But I know that that can feel impersonal gift card, maybe not so much. But also, you could consider depending on what the teaching situation is going in with the other students that are in that class to get one really nice gift. As opposed to several little things that that may not mean as much in the physical item. I have been the recipient of many beautiful such gifts, and they're unexpected all the time. They're unexpected to me and are just so lovely. I teach a group of piano students and our Christmas recital the other week, they surprised me with they all you know, like I said went in on a gift card to a local bakery that I just love. And so I'm really excited to use that. And I'll think of them when I do. But I feel like teachers could definitely use some extra love in this season. And likewise, next on the list is delivery drivers. I'm sure you're aware of that we see them I think even more and more every year, either for the post office for Amazon or FedEx or whatever the delivery company is. I've seen sometimes people leaving refreshments or a little token of gratitude by the door if they know that they're gonna get a lot of packages on that day or that weekend. But even I think a heartfelt note in the post, or in the mailbox, I should say to your post worker is just a nice way to spread a little smile. Next up Christmas time is the perfect time to be generous with tipping. Especially if you have recurring appointments with service workers like mechanics or hair stylists or manicurists. A little extra generosity during this time is a really kind and loving gesture. I feel. I work off of tips as well when I'm gigging although it's it's quite a different environment than but to those that are in your life and are consistent, and you will continue to hire and you appreciate their services. Showing that a little bit during this time, I think is really lovely. Next up is something that I think is really simple to do. But I think we just sort of forget sometimes. And that's to give to a food bank or a food drive. I feel like there's so many food drives held all over the place at community centers and schools and churches and sometimes at special events and on my sister went to a market of some kind and in order to participate in a particular I think it was some sort of challenge or something. All you had to do was donate to their food drive. And I think that's that's a really clever way of doing it. I just kind of forget when I'm at the grocery store and then I don't end up with anything to donate. And so I'm actually going to write it on my grocery list, this time to get some Have extra items so that when I see that food drive, then I can donate, I might even keep some in the car, actually. And if you're not sure where you might encounter a food drive, you can obviously give directly to a food bank. I'm going to leave a link in the show notes to the food bank of southeastern Virginia as that's where I live. They're a member of Feeding America. So it's southeastern Virginia and the eastern shore where you can make donations directly. But like I said, I see them all the time. Along the same lines, because it's sort of the same sort of thing. You could also volunteer your time. With a food bank, or with a soup kitchen or a charity event, I'm leaving a secondary link with the same food bank of southeastern Virginia, where you can locate a soup kitchen and how you can donate your time, just an afternoon, or if you have a free day during your holiday break, donating a few hours of your time to help. It's an ongoing, wonderful cause to help those that are in need. And so any amount that you can donate either with your money, as I mentioned before or with your time is going to bless those around you. Next up, you could donate to a co drive. Remember those I remember those from like elementary school, or even your local charity shop or thrift shop. I know that certain areas will organize coat drives, and it may be a little bit late in the season. I know that some in my area have already ended like the drop off date. But it could also be a nice time to go through the items that you already have. As we're in the preparation season for giving and receiving gifts on Christmas Day. It's a nice way a nice time to think about what you already have that you can give away. So the charity shops in my area such as goodwill, or ch KD or the Salvation Army are all thrift shops that I frequently like to visit as a shopper as well as donate, and all of them have their proceeds go to various causes either directly to hospitals, such as CH, k d, or Goodwill has many different causes for those with disabilities and so on. So it's a nice way I feel like especially if I feel like this is a habit I would like to make with my kids. That as you're preparing for maybe some new presents coming in, to think of what you may not use anymore, what maybe doesn't fit anymore, and can be given away. It's a win win honestly, because your your closet or your room or wherever will just feel so much more streamlined and clean. Next on the list is to spread some holiday cheer by caroling either door to door or maybe at your local hospital, or nursing home. I have done all of the above. I believe in my time I don't remember if the hospital was Christmas time or not. But bringing music to those places are really welcome at Christmas time. And this weekend, in fact, I'm going to be caroling with my friends my friend Janette always organizes caroling. And it's magical. It's just so fun because we you know, love singing anyway and love being together and she makes really, really good hot chocolate. And then we just sing door to door as it looks like maybe people are home in those doors in a particular neighborhood, and it's so without fail every year that we've done it that I've been a part of it. There's someone who encounters it and it's just like made their day either they invite us into their house or they tell us about what's going on with their Christmas. Or it's just a has a really, really special way of connecting people because I mean, what's more pure, honestly then singing with a group of people just because you like singing and because it will make you and other people happy. So I've I it's one of my favorite Christmas traditions. And I'm really, really, really looking forward to it. That's going to be for me this Saturday. But you could do it in your area. And or like I said, at places that will really appreciate that Christmas cheer like hospital or a nursing home. I've been a part of one or two caroling sessions at a nursing home and it's just really special to visit those that may not be visited at this time. Next on my list is to donate to a charity or relief fund I'm in the same vein as like tipping, where it's just a kind gesture to be generous with your money. And I think even to budget for that, throughout the year to be generous at this time of year is really beautiful, as there are just so many difficult or awful situations going on in our world, and it's really beautiful to be able to take a moment and contribute to a cause or a group that is so dedicated to the solution to those problems. I know members of my family consistently give to a particular charity at this time of year, I know I believe my grandparents would dedicate set aside some money to donate to a prison ministry, I think specifically for gifts for for children of incarcerated people, I'm going to leave a link to Angel Tree, which I don't know if it's that particular one that my grandparents have donated to, but their aims are just that to help those whose family members are incarcerated, and also to bring those children together with their parents for Christmas. So I'll leave a link to that as well as a particular charity that I and my husband are going to be donating to this Christmas, actually, through my church, every Christmas season. We as a church are very intentional with our generosity to the community. But I've also left a link directly to the the actual website, it's through Convoy of Hope, which is an international charity. And it's a particular campaign called the Africa weights, which is donating to helping those that are in a very drought filled land in Africa, mostly in the Horn of Africa. So places like Ethiopia, or Somalia, Kenya, Sudan, where there's there's been very, very intense drought, and people are very much in need. And so I just wanted to highlight that one, because that's one that Josh and I are participating in this Christmas. And it's just going to be a simple conversation of you know, we've had a lot going on this year. But we are so, so blessed. And so how can we give what do we feel called to give grateful to give. And so I'm going to leave a link directly to convoy hooks website for that as well. And then finally, I simply encourage in myself, and in all of us random acts of kindness. These are things that we've probably heard of time and time again, but I think we just forget, I personally forgot about, like, paying for the person in line behind you at the drive thru or something at Starbucks. I can't wait to do that, that's gonna be so uplifting for the person behind me. And I know that we used to do that a lot as a community, but I think we just got really busy. I totally forgot that that's a thing. But it could be opening a door for someone or smiling at them, you know, looking someone in the eye saying Merry Christmas, I love wishing people a merry christmas I've seen where it just completely changes their demeanor. Because for a second someone else is wishing happiness upon you like it's a really Yeah, it's just very pure and, and lovely. So as you go out as you're at the grocery store, your Christmas shopping, or you're at school, or whatever it is just open up your mind and your heart to the people around you know that they are also in the midst of Christmas craziness. And you also can't know what they're going through. I have been in some very low places before and someone has said a kind word to me that just completely changed everything. And so where it is possible, where you remember, it just feels so good to be a conduit of lightness of goodness of kindness. And as I mentioned before, sometimes helping someone else is just the thing to bring yourself some of that joy as well. So that's my list of simple ideas. As I've mentioned, I don't feel pressured to do all of those. That's that's not the point of this episode. And it's not to make you feel guilty or stressed or like that's another thing I'm gonna have to do this Christmas, but rather just to encourage you and to open your eyes to the possibilities just give one a try and and see how it feels. And may I also please take a moment to remind you that you need to be loving to yourself you also need to be generous with your Self, it's much more difficult to care for others when you are not taken care of. So please give yourself a break. Surround yourself with those who helped take care of you let yourself rest and enjoy this season. It's when we feel loved that we can best love others. I personally have experienced the joy of both giving and receiving such generosity at Christmas time. And it's it's part of that really beautiful Christmas magic, just like the quote that I shared at the beginning of the episode. And so I hope that you will join me throughout the rest of this Christmas season, to be generous to those around you. And if you have any other stories or ways that you have experienced generosity at this Christmas season, please feel free to leave a comment on the show notes that's going to be at life on the brink dot live. I do read through all of the comments whenever they come in. And I love to read your responses and your ideas. So now I will be right back with this week's little joy this week's little joy was a bit of a reset for me. It was this past Monday, after I had done that string of shows it had been so exciting, so beautiful. And then Monday I awoke to a very untidy house and very weird groceries in the fridge because we didn't have a lot left. And just everything was disorganized and all over the place. And all the clothes were dirty. So I really enjoyed this Monday, particularly Monday morning, I did all the things I tidied up, I swept the floors, I put all of my costume and clothes and books and music stuff away. I did the groceries, I got the house looking and smelling nice again, answered a bunch of emails and stuff. And then by the afternoon, I had done a lot. And so I I got some sushi, that veggie sushi, no worries, nothing wrong. And went to my sister's house and we watched the last two episodes of Bake Off. Because we were way behind. And it was just wonderful. It was so nice to after several days of excitement. And you know, being on big stages and talking with so many people and making music having a great time to just have a really normal, quiet but such a lovely day, getting things in order. It just made me feel so much better. And then I just sat on Sarah's couch and ate the sushi and just lay with the cats. And it was so so nice. So that reset day was my little joy. And it was a very nice reminder of how much I enjoy my normal life. Finally, let me leave you with an album of music. This is kind of in line with the playlist I shared a couple weeks ago but it's just so good. I have to share it. It's an album called Carol's from Clair College, Cambridge, very alliterative, but it's exactly it's from Claire College in Cambridge and it is it is Carol's so it is full of some really nice old Carol's like the Wexford Carol and the something called the donkey Carol that was new to me. Some is in Latin, some is in French. Most of it is in English. And they're just stunning. It's all like traditional. I believe it's all traditional old carols, maybe a few originals. But the singing is just it's impeccable. As someone who is preparing students for Christmas choral concert, it's just really nice to hear where one day they could be. Because not every singer has to start somewhere really. And so it's just really beautiful. I love the old carols. These are beautiful arrangements, very well done. Nothing too overdone. They're just classic and perfect. already. Well, I hope that you've enjoyed this episode that you are continuing to enjoy these weekly holiday episodes. I've got one more coming next week. It's a really special one. And then after that, I'm going to take a break a week off for Christmas. And then we'll be back to our bi weekly schedule every other week. But next week's episode, like I said is going to be very special. And until then, I hope that you have a really beautiful week that you find ways to bless those around you and that it brings you so much joy. Thank you for listening, and I'll be back next week with the final episode of 2023 Thank you for tuning in to this episode of Life on the brink. If you're enjoying these episodes, please feel free to leave a star rating or even better leave a review on Apple podcasts to help spread the word. For podcast show notes and extra inspirational posts throughout the week, head to the blog at life on the brink dot live. And if you'd like a little extra dose of inspiration in your life, sign up for the monthly newsletter, which lights up your inbox the first Friday of each month. Thank you so much for listening. And until next time, friends, you have a lovely week. Bye