Life On the Brink

Gifting a Unique Experience this Holiday Season

Anna Perkins Season 4 Episode 102

Hello hello, and welcome to Episode 102 of Life On the Brink!

It’s the holiday season! I absolutely love this time of year, and this year more than ever I’m so glad for the magic of Christmastime. Along with the cooking and singing that always accompanies my Decembers, there is also the anticipation of Christmas Day, and if your family is one that celebrates with gift-giving then today’s episode is for you!

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about some of the most memorable gifts I’ve given or received over the years, and some of my absolute favorites have been in the form of experiences and memories.

In this episode I'm sharing:
-so many gift ideas that give an experience, rather than a physical item
-ways to enjoy the gift of family and loved ones
-creative, romantic nights out
-ideas for gift baskets and care packages
Plus, this week's little joy is a special BABY announcement, and I'm sharing the perfect soundtrack to romanticize your Christmasy week.

For the complete show notes, click here!
For full transcript, click here!

Social: @anna_on_the_keys


Welcome to Life on the brink, a lovely little place filled with inspiration and creativity that is dedicated to enjoying life one day at a time. I'm Ana. And together, we're exploring the beautiful things in this world that fascinate us, and often discovering something new. Hello, hello, welcome to episode 102 of life on the brink. And welcome to the Christmas season. This is a very special time of year. And today begins the weekly episodes. I've got four special episode episodes being released this December leading up to Christmas day. I've been a little bit Mia this fall, as I mentioned last week, and so I just wanted to do something special to brighten up each week to celebrate to sort of build the anticipation for Christmas. I mean, who doesn't love Christmas anticipation. So today begins those episodes. I hope you're doing well that you had a lovely thanksgiving for those of you in the States. And I just want to say thank you to all of those who reached out on social media on Instagram for congratulating me and Josh, I'll share a little bit more about about baby later on down the line. But if you missed it, I announced last episode that I'm having a baby. I'm due in June, all as well, everything is going very well. And we're excited. And I like many other people, I'm sure I'm starting to feel that countdown to Christmas. And specifically in the area of teaching. There's this like, like span of three weeks in between Thanksgiving break, and Christmas break. And I saw something online that perfectly described it it said that it's sort of like the last lap in Mario Kart when the music gets all fast and frantic and everything feels really chaotic. That's how I feel a little bit. But then when I sort of focus on just one class at a time, it's all going to be fine. Got one more performance. Oh, and I have many of my own performances coming up, which is very exciting. I love to sing Christmas music. So it's just in the in the thick of it, which is, which is fantastic. Honestly, I've been waiting for Christmas for several weeks now. And so I'm enjoying just being in it, put up my Christmas tree and just been soaking it up. So I hope that this episode is something that is calming and inspirational, and helps give you ideas and be prepared without feeling stressful, because this can also be a really beautiful time of year. And so I also I recommend at this point like listening to episodes from last year in the year before, there are some that are specifically about slowing down, having time to yourself and with your family and really making the season what you need it to be. And I also want to shout out because I mentioned like there was a whole episode about it last year. But I read the book, calm Christmas and a Happy New Year by Beth Kempton. And so I just want to also shout out her podcast, which is fantastic. She's published several books and is a writer and does lots of different things. And every year she does a new season of the calm Christmas podcast. So I also really, really recommend listening to those episodes if you are interested in how to make the season more enjoyable, less stressful, only taking on the things that actually enrich this season for you and your family. So just shouting that out over there. So before we dive into today's episode, I invite you to join me in enjoying a nice warm mug of something. I have pulled out what Christmas mugs I have, and it's just the best done to enjoy something nice and warm and comforting in those mugs. Here's the thing. Here's an interesting thing that's been going on with me. In terms of this pregnancy. I have not been drawn to drinking hot tea. Which is blasphemous I know. Sometimes I do enjoy a cup of tea mostly in the afternoons actually. Or I like a nice sweet coffee. I'm craving Hot Chocolate like every day and so I'm trying to find the best way to make it at home. And cider. I'm enjoying hot cider. So I am going to drink an assortment of things throughout this winter I'm sure because normally this is all tea all the time. Season for me and it's not this year so that's okay. Why don't you go ahead and enjoy whatever hot Christmasy beverage of your choice would be most comforting. I will say I've been enjoying because I like to share what teas I'm drinking. I did get a box or a tin I should say of the Harney and Sons holiday blend. And it's lovely. I found it personally at a world market but I know that Harney and Sons does sell at Target or at other like specialty food shops and maybe like higher end grocery stores. Let me just read what the ingredients are. For this. It's the holiday tea, black tea, cloves, almond flavor, orange, vanilla, soft flowers, three types of cinnamon and orange pieces. So yeah, just the combo that cinnamon, orange and almond for me that does it. I'll leave a link as well in the show notes if you'd like to find it online. But I have been enjoying that tea. So I wanted to share that one with you. So we can dive right on in. Today's episode is all about giving, but specifically giving gifts, experiences as gifts, I should say. If your family is one that celebrates Christmas with gift giving, then I hope that this can provide some inspiration mine does. And we love it. I have a very big family that will and like many people to gift for there's it's a large group of people, probably like 15 to 20 people that are all giving to each other. Oh, Christmas morning looks insane. But let me just, you know, say at the beginning, that there's absolutely no need to feel pressured. I feel like that's social pressure to give. If you would rather just make an agreement amongst your family, like maybe we're just giving to the kids or, you know, per smaller family unit or something, do what you do with your family, with your budget, all of those things. If you do celebrate with gift giving, then let's talk about it. I've been thinking a lot lately about some of the most memorable gifts that I've given or received over the years. I do remember in particular, some really great winter coats that have been Christmas gifts, ones that I've picked out exactly. And haven't been a surprise to me, but I love them nonetheless. And specifically remember the bike that my parents get well, I my siblings, and I all got bikes for Christmas when I was 10. And I remember that day a lot because they you know, took us outside and they opened up the garage. And inside the garage was all of our bikes in a row. And we rode around the neighborhood, you know, in our pajamas Christmas morning. And that was the first time I'd had a like a real or real bike to myself and I still have it to this day. So fantastic gift. Some stuff has been replaced, but it's a Schwinn. Like it's a good one. But aside from those few memories, not to say like I've I've received some fantastic gifts, and I have many family members that are really thoughtful and just really special. However, some of my favorite gifts have been in the form of experiences or memories. That goes for Christmas and also like birthday things. And there are examples I can think of both as from the receiving end as well as the giving. As I've been focusing more and more over the past few years on giving mindfully and trying to just be more mindful about holiday practices in general, I find that giving the gift of a particular experience provides not only a unique experience for the receiver of the gift, but it also gives them along with myself sometimes some really special memories, which is way more valuable than anything we can find at a store. I think we can all agree that the best moments of Christmas are not centered around the gifts, even if it's a beautiful way to celebrate with those you love. More so it's about the people we celebrate with. Today I'm just sharing a few gift ideas that can be tailored to the special people in your life. And rather than a material gift To offer an opportunity for a unique experience. So here we go, I've got five Main Categories here. And so I have like a lot of sub ideas, gift ideas within the category. Starting off, this is perhaps the most tangible. And I think these are really fun to assemble, we're talking about gift baskets. And like kits, if you will, the idea is to provide all the tools for a particular experience that then your loved one can enjoy whenever they like, just a few ideas. Could be I mean, you know, the classic movie night sort of basket, you know, you can fill a box or basket with popcorn, maybe some favorite sweets or candy, some fuzzy socks, maybe a drink or two. And you know, back in the day, you would include a DVD of a particular movie. But these days, it might be more practical, maybe to just include like a $5, Amazon gift card, which can be used to rent whenever they choose to watch one. It's just so funny that a DVD is, is kind of an outdated thing right now that's crazy. But then you've given them all the tools to enjoy a particular moment. And then they can decide when what that will be and what they watch. Another idea would be like a like a rainy day in or like a snow day box. You can include a nice wintry mug, some tea, maybe some shortbread biscuits, or some recipe cards for some really comforting recipes, you could include a puzzle or maybe a cozy book. And again, the socks, always a nice idea or a little blanket, something so that if there's a snow day or a day when things get canceled because of the weather, you just pull out this box, and it's an instantly cozy day, you could also make a sort of special interest box. So if this person has new interest, then you could look into some tools that might help them get started. So it for example, if they'd like to cook more, maybe you include a cookbook that would be good for their level. Some utensils, some cooking utensils or gadgets that you enjoy, and maybe like an apron or something, some oven mitts, you know, depending on what they have, at the time, something that gives them the tools to be able to start learning or engaging with this new interest. And then finally, I love this box idea, I want to make one, I haven't done it yet. But the idea is it's like a readalong. Book, box, let me explain. So you include a book, this is probably one that would have to be like beloved by you. Because you include in the box like little gifts or like sensory items that you would wrap individually and have them open when they get to certain page numbers. So for example, the character in your book walks into a forest on page 42. Then you wrap up like a cedar scented candle, and you put a little tag or sticker says Page 42. So then when they get to that point, they light that candle. And it's like taking you into the story. So I think this would be great for either a really cozy, comforting book, or one that has a lot of atmospheric imagery. And I would love to include like, if there's a snack or a little like a candy or like something also edible within it. Or if they speak about tea, like then include the the tea to go brew, like it's, it would very much depend on the book. But that's the idea that you include little gifts throughout the reading experience. I just think that's so unique, very cool. I don't know who started this. I've seen it a couple of different places, but I can't wait to make one. So those are our kits and baskets. Of course, there's pretty much endless possibilities. But those are just some to get you started. I think that it could also make a really nice care package if you're giving a gift to someone far away. Because you're kind of providing an experience in the form of some physical items. So the second category I'm calling tickets and certificates. So this is kind of along the lines of a gift card, but with a more intentional and I think sometimes gift cards can be lovely because you are basically providing that person with the experience of getting to potentially like splurge on an item, you know, or if they're saving up for something in particular, but I know that that can and sometimes feel impersonal, depending on the person, of course. But these are some interesting ideas that I have enjoyed on the receiving end, and have also given and they've been really great. first idea is a gift certificate to somewhere like a spa, or a movie theater or like an arcade, you know, like a Dave and Busters sort of situation, something that can provide a fun experience anytime of the year, and is just for enjoyment. So this year, I used a gift card at a local day spa, it's the one where I get my facials once a quarter. And I happen to have a gift card. And so I splurged, in addition to the facial like that time, I got a pedicure, and it was the best pedicure of my life, because it wasn't cheap. And I wouldn't have gotten it otherwise. But it was so special. I was drinking warm chai and the music was so nice. I just really I really love this spa. But I wouldn't have done that if it hadn't been for this gift card. And so I enjoyed that fully, I thought of the person who gave me the gift card. I just fully soaked up that experience. I think I might have gotten that from my birthday. And it was several months after my birthday. So I can just speak to how nice that can be even months later. Also, if you know that your loved one is going to travel in the next year going on a trip, maybe gifting an experience or or just giving a gift card that applies to that trip can add a little something special when they travel. I know that we all tend to probably you know you're conscious of the money you're spending when you're on vacation. And so just a little something something to help feel like oh yeah, we can do this no problem. When Josh and I went to Disney World, well, what time was it, it was one of the times that we planned to go someone gave me I think for my birthday, a Disney gift card which we could spend on property. And so that was just really, really nice, because I was looking toward that trip. And then we were able to get a little something special or something I don't remember exactly what we spent it on. But it was a it was a lovely gift. Okay, my next idea is to check your local theaters and concert venues for the upcoming seasons. So most likely the season will end around June. So you can only find shows for about the next six months, possibly may, you know, but I have given several times, you know, I'll go in with my siblings and get a relative tickets to a band or comedian or different kinds of shows. It's a great gift. Because, again, you're giving the gift of that experience. But also, it's kind of nice, you add another level of anticipation, because now that person has another different date beyond Christmas to look forward to. And then of course there are the memories that come after. And I just want to mention because I just brought it up in this last point that sometimes I will go in with other people to give some of these gifts. I know that some of these may be expensive, depending on what route you take. But I think that there's nothing wrong at all with having a larger gift from a larger group of people. So do it that what you will. And then lastly in this category, I would also put like seasonal passes either to parks, theme parks, gardens, historic sites, memberships basically sort of like a subscription but for a particular place or experience. Alrighty, our third category I'm calling a night out. So basically providing a little bit of either time off or luxury. Firstly, I think that a lovely idea for a couple's gift is to basically give them a date night, a gift card to a local spot that maybe they haven't been to but they would enjoy offers an opportunity for a night together. And bonus points. If that couple has kids then maybe you offer to watch the kids like you sort of like a coupon sort of mentality that they pick the date. They have a gift card you watch the kids and providing that time alone I think would just be a nice unique simple but very enjoyable gift. And then my other idea in this category, it just has to do with tea because it no surprise I love a fancy afternoon tea, but it's not something I do very often. When was the last time I went to tea. Was it in Canada might have been in Canada Hmm, well, that was fantastic. But it was over a year ago at this point because it is a luxurious experience. So I think that a certificate to tea house or special seasonal teas, which usually happen at hotels, I would just check your local boutique hotels, it's not uncommon for those hotels to have afternoon teas. And even though I wouldn't be able to stay in the hotel, I can always walk around and enjoy the luxury of that afternoon. And so it's a really special experience, I think, especially maybe if you go with that person, you're providing that time together, it's just, it's great. If you haven't done it before, if you haven't given one, if you're able to, I would just I would price around and look them up because it's special. Moving on. Our fourth category is classes and courses to help foster new interests. For example, if your loved one has expressed interest in gaining a particular skill or learning a new art, maybe you can contribute to a class or a local course. There's a pottery studio near my house that I have been collecting gift cards for different family members have given them to me, and I'm waiting for the right month in terms of schedule, because they offer a four week course for beginning wheel. And so I haven't used it yet. But I've been in contact with the owner to try and find the right time. Because I'm excited. And when I do finally do it, then, you know, I will think of those people who gave me the gift cards and it'll be really beautiful. But this could also be as simple as like a one night cooking class or a workshop at local gardens. I know plant nurseries do a lot of things like that. I feel like art studios aren't classes, there gonna be a lot of one off cloth or maybe some two part classes. Just check out your area, because it always surprises me how much is going on, not just free open to the public, but also things that would fall into this category of a few books, but for a very particular experience. And on that note, I would also put into this category, some guided tours or special tours of maybe either historic sites or some gardens or things like that. Just that little level of specialness that we don't tend to spend on ourselves could be a very nice gift. And also, let's not forget about online courses, there are so many fantastic online creators that have created courses in every category imaginable. Of course, there is the website masterclass, which now I believe runs on a membership fee, rather than a one off course just purchasing here and there. But in that same vein, you know, giving an online course that can be used at any time, and at any pace, I think would be a very nice gift. And finally, my fifth and final category is just time with you, this is probably the most important, the most special, sometimes the most overlooked when you are the giver because it I don't know maybe it has a reputation for being lame or being a cop out or being whatever. But it's not. Because giving is about thinking of that person being intentional giving out of the goodness of your heart, out of the love you have for that person. And money is secondary. I know that that can be messy, and it can cause perhaps some interesting family dynamics, as far as I know, your people know your group. But time is just as valuable as my age is is more valuable than money. We just don't always think of it that way. So sometimes the best gift that you can give is your time, especially to people that perhaps you don't get to see all the time, mostly just during special occasions. But it can be anyone in your life. And this can be as simple as setting a date. And like having having basically a date plan setting the day and time and where you're going. And I wouldn't be ambiguous I would have a plan like on this day or when you choose a day we're going to do this, this, this and this because that's the intentionality that you've put into it. That's thinking about how you would like to spend your time together what that person would enjoy. You get where I'm going with this. There are people in my life and I know there's got to be people in your life that would just love a day with you. So brainstorm a little bit think about how you can go about this. You can also make any of the above experiences that we've talked about today like the the concert tickets or the classes or all of that stuff. You can make them more special by joining in yourself. My sister and I, we've several times given each other concert tickets, and then we have also gone. So last year for her birthday, I got myself a ticket to see Celtic Woman. And then I think, you know, Josh, and I don't know if another sibling went in, or something got her a ticket. Because she's a big fan of Celtic Woman, it was their Christmas show. And so, you know, we went out to dinner, we saw the show together, looked pretty in our dresses. And we still remember it, like we have a I mean, it was only a year ago. But it was a very special memory, I should say. And is a great time, it was lovely. We've done this several times with many concerts. And especially if you have a shared interest with the person that you're giving to, then the memories can be made even more special by you joining in by having that time together. And my last idea is simple. But it's so sweet. Again, let's go back to tea for a second. I also enjoy hosting little afternoon teas at my home. And lately, Josh and I like recently, I should say I had his grandparents over. They hadn't seen our home before, since we've moved. And so to celebrate his grandma's birthday. And also to just invite them over. We had an afternoon tea a couple of weeks ago. And it was so lovely. I feel like I get to take special care in preparing the scones, the tea, all the little sandwiches, you know, and it feels like a really nice way to serve them to create a nice pocket of repose. And so even if you don't, if you don't want to make a whole afternoon tea, this could also be a dinner, a nice dinner party, you invite some people over and you have a very special night together. You also have those memories, like we had such a good time just talking and catching up. And I heard stories that I'd never heard before. Really, I can't think of a more precious gift than if someone were to say I want to cook for you, I want to host you I want to make an evening or an afternoon dedicated to us spending time together and you just relaxing and enjoying. Like that's so special. And I would love to receive that I know that I have enjoyed giving that. And so consider the people in your life. Just let it marinate and see, see what you'd like to do. And that is my list. Those are the five categories. And I hope that among all of my stories and ideas and all of the things I've said that you can pick out an idea or two, maybe someone came to your mind while you were listening to this, run with that, see what you can do. Because while there are so many beautiful gifts that we can wrap under the tree, and you know I'm not knocking, shopping, you know, or, or making gifts, I know that I have a podcast episode in the archives about homemade gifts. Those can also be lovely, I have just really been enjoying and ruminating on the experience of of a gift because it's the experience of Christmas that we always look forward to. And it's the people that we spend time with. And so how better to celebrate with a gift than by gifting another experience to look forward to with people that you care about. It has inspired me and I hope that it inspires you and helps to foster an even deeper relationship with those that you love. And don't worry about having to remember all of these things. You can of course go to the show notes at life on the brink dot live that you can find the blog post that accompanies this episode where I've listed everything out, along with some helpful links. So now I'll be right back with this week's little joy this week's little joy is another little announcement or surprise, if you will. On Thanksgiving Day, I received a notification in my email letting me know that a particular test result had come in and I knew that this test result would tell us whether our baby was a boy or girl. And it happened on Thanksgiving morning and I thought well, this is great. I'm going to see everybody like maybe we should do a little announcement or something. And so I told my mom like a couple of weeks ago the results were not supposed to be in that that early that quick. We did not expect it. And so my mom had said yeah, once you get that notification, let me look at it and then I will get the appropriate gender reveal item. And then we can do it at like family dinner. Something this was if the I had received the test result like within a day or two of being able to look at it because I wasn't gonna be able to sit on it for like a week. But it happened to show up on Thanksgiving Day. So I called my mom and I was like, Do you have anything? And she was like, no, but let me go get something. So she ended up finding two balloons at, I think a Walgreens or something. One says it's a boy one says it's a girl, she brought them both to Thanksgiving, wrapped up a box and wrapping paper. And then as the family had assembled, we all went outside. Because it was the best way that everyone can see each other. It was like probably 45 people. And my mom looked at the results in a quiet room. And with one of my uncle's who's a doctor, and just made sure that everything was very clear. And so then everyone else was outside and she brought the box outside, it was so nice to be able to share that moment with my family. And we are having a baby girl. I'm so excited. I was gonna be excited either way, but I felt like it was a girl. I kept wanting to refer to the baby as she, I feel like I had the right name like it was I felt like it was a girl. So now that I know it's a girl, I feel like I just I can see her more, I feel like it's easier for me to talk to her. I can visualize our life over the next several months over the next year, a little bit easier. So I'm excited. We're having a little girl, I know that Josh is going to be so cute with a daughter. I just can't stand it. And so we were planning on announcing on Thanksgiving day anyway, online. And so we just included that as well. So maybe you've seen this already. But it's been a little joy to me. And I've just loved being able to talk to her be able to visualize things a little more. You know, this is my first time doing this. And it's all all new. I don't know what it's gonna be like having a kid. But this is a really cool step. So now I can also begin planning the nursery my mom has begun shopping already. We're just really excited. And lastly, I need to leave you with an album of music. This is one that probably is not a surprise, but you may not have actually listened to it before I've been listening to the soundtrack to the holiday, which is one of the best cozy movies for this time of year. Hans Zimmer, obviously icon composer of our age, he is at his emotional finest. This album is so romantic, but also it you can feel the melancholy the sadness that these characters go through. But there's also these moments of just Oh, joy. It's so nice. I saw a meme this week. And the text was something like when you're having a classic bad day Monday, but you're listening to Hans Zimmer, so it's all part of the plot. And what's playing is one of the tracks from the holiday. So the video was like chaotic, but the music is so romantic. And it's true. I was listening to it earlier this week and in the background. It just feels very main character very romanticized. It's beautiful. If you haven't listened to this soundtrack, like, please give it a go. If you haven't seen this movie, now's the time. I know that Sara and I talked about it in Holiday Movie Night, you can feel free to check out that episode because we have a whole menu associated with it. That would go very well. I looked it up that was episode 76 By the way, Holiday Movie Night. And that pretty much wraps up this episode. Feel free also to sign up for the free newsletter. If you're listening today on the day that it well not today. If you're listening to it on the day that this is released, then you still have time to sign up. If you'd like to receive the December newsletter, there's going to be some really nice recipes and Christmasy ideas in that email. It's free to sign up you can do so again at life on the brink dot live. And you can also find me over on Instagram where I'm sharing all of the Christmas he plans and also baby updates. I'm finally like craving things and so I love input from people who have been pregnant before. And either way, I'll be back next week with a new Christmas centered episode. Until then stay warm. And I wish you lots of magical moments and cups of hot chocolate. And I'll see you next week. Thank you for tuning in to this episode of Life on the brink. If you're enjoying these episodes, please feel free to leave a star rating or even better leave a review on Apple podcasts to help spread The word for podcast show notes and extra inspirational posts throughout the week, head to the blog at life on the brink dot live. And if you'd like a little extra dose of inspiration in your life, sign up for the monthly newsletter, which lights up your inbox the first Friday of each month. Thank you so much for listening. And until next time, friends, you have a lovely week. Bye