Life On the Brink

Hundredth Episode Celebration!

Season 4 Episode 100

Hello hello, and welcome to Episode 100 of Life On the Brink!

Wow, I can’t believe I just said that! This is a huge goal met, so today’s episode is a celebration! I’m so touched by this community that is so consistent and lovely, you have made this Covid project more than I thought it could be. Today I’d like to share some of my personal reflections over the past 100 episodes, as well as answers to your questions and your own feedback about the show!

Plus, this week's Little Joy is a seasonal drink recipe, and I've got a playlist of songs specifically designed to help you in your anxious moments.

For the complete show notes, click here!
For full transcript, click here!

Social: @anna_on_the_keys


Welcome to Life on the brink, a lovely little place filled with inspiration and creativity that is dedicated to enjoying life one day at a time. I'm Ana. And together, we're exploring the beautiful things in this world that fascinate us, and often discovering something new. Hello, hello, welcome to episode 100 of life on the brink. That is crazy to say, I can't believe I just said that. It's been 100 episodes. And this is a huge goal met a big achievement really. And so today's episode is a celebration. I'm so touched by this community that is so consistent and lovely. listening to this podcast, and you have made this basically what was a COVID project way more than I thought it could be. It's become a very, very consistent, important, satisfying part of my life. And so today I'd like to share some of my personal reflections over the past on 100 episodes, and as well as some answers to your questions and your own feedback about the show. First, though, I'll update you a little bit, I appreciate you being patient with me. Normally, an episode would have come out last week on a bi weekly basis. But this particular episode in combination with some things that are going on in my life and work and special projects, I just wasn't going to be able to give it the time that it needed. So I appreciate you waiting another week. So before we get into any of it, let's make a cup of tea, I have mine, I'm drinking that same old harvest herbal tea that I love Trader Joe's, but I have some fresh ginger in with it. It's really nice. I just took a like a, I don't know, like a thumb sized piece of ginger. And I just sort of broke it up in my mortar and pestle and dropped it right in with the tea bag. And it's really, really nice. So make yourself something nice and warm. Maybe autumnal I've kind of been thinking a lot about hot chocolate lately. I think I'm going to have to make some soon. So I would also recommend that. So real quick, some updates with the house. Now. The laminate flooring process that was going all through our office upstairs has now gone almost all the way through what I'm calling like an atrium space, it's not quite a hallway, but it's this big area right when you reach the top of the stairs. Well that like three rooms are attached to as well as a closet. So it's it's larger than just a landing, but it's not big enough to be a hallway. Anyway, I've painted that area, some of the walls are white. Those are the ones that you can see from downstairs, so it sort of matches the color palette of that area. And then the walls that are only seen when you are upstairs are this kind of well, it's much darker. It's like an indigo color, not super deep. But it's definitely the darkest color in our color palette. And I'm very excited about it. I think it's going to be a very high contrast area. I think I'm going to put some art pieces that maybe have louder colors than I would put downstairs and maybe a mirror some shelving haven't figured it out. But that area is almost complete with the flooring as well. And I got some new, like outlet covers. And so soon I'll be able to lay a rug down and get things going for that area which is really exciting. We also replaced the light fixture in the kitchen, which was not only not enough light, but was also not my favorite. And so now it's just a complete difference. Like it's so much more light in the kitchen. I love it. It's three bulbs instead of two. Who knew. And I have one crazy element to my home that I'm still finding out exactly where it's going to be. It was probably a month ago now I was at a what was it a vintage market? Just getting little bobs and pieces and stuff like that. And then I happened upon a A huge movie poster. Now I'm not I'm not typically a poster kind of person in my home. However, this poster was for The Great Gatsby, the one that came out in 2013, which is one of my favorite movies. And this poster is just like basically of Leo's face. And you can see the green light in the background, he's not looking out like at the viewer, which is great. It's sort of off to the side. And it has the cool like border, you know, how the there was that sort of Art Deco design, like throughout the movie, it's all around the border, it says, you know, now showing an IMAX, it's like may 13, or whatever the day was. It's six feet tall, by like four and a half feet wide. And it's in a big black frame. Clearly, it was hanging in a movie theater. And that's what I loved about it. I really love when I can get my hands on like pieces or art that has been in somewhere either either at a movie theater or a pre existing coffee shop or something like that. I love that. And so I saw that this market was huge. And I was like, am I gonna get this right now? Because there's some big walls in the house. But I also was like, how am I going to how am I going to tell this to Josh, but the guy only wanted $40. And so I had to do it. And so now it's sitting in the downstairs hallway. Because it it fits, it's not the the wall is probably six and a half feet tall. And so I'm kind of working on how to position it. It's not very heavy either, which is amazing. And I've already hung in that hallway, a really cool chandelier that is mostly feathers, it has a very almost Art Deco Vibe. And so I'm really excited to sort of make this a like hidden, glamorous, hallway. Um, kind of an interesting vibe there. But I just I really love if it doesn't, I told Josh like if if it doesn't work out, if there's no way that we can make this work, I'm okay with that. But I just couldn't pass it up. And I'm not usually like a an impulsive homebuyer at all, I research everything. But I saw this thing. And it was like exactly the type of thing that would, that would get me and it got me. So I hope to that hallway can probably come together, hopefully in the next couple of months. So I'm gonna take a bunch of pictures and walk through those steps. But those are the big house updates as of now. And I've also been working on a big crochet project, and I'm just sort of keeping you updated. It's going to be a patchwork cardigan. It requires probably like 55 squares, but it's crocheted in strips rather than individual squares. And I have about 20 down. The colors are so pretty. And I know I must have shared the pattern in one of the newsletters. But I'll be sure to share more about that project as I go. I just think this I mean, I'm excited about it. This is my big crochet project for the fall. Ideally, I don't, I don't think I'm gonna get it done before the new year. But, you know, I'll try. I sort of have days or weeks when I'm really into it, and then I forget about it. So this is me, staying on track with that. So now that we're all caught up, let's talk about 100 episodes of life on the brink. I know that probably several of you have been listening from near the beginning. Or maybe you've gone back and listened. That's very cool. I can see from my stats that my very first episode is still the it has like the most listens. So chances are most of you know where this came from. But if you haven't, and you've just joined in, this was a project that I started during COVID I had had a sort of blog called Life on the brink for maybe a year I'd say just as a bit of a creative outlet. I know that the time to blog was like 20 years ago. I posted recipes and they were fun pieces and they're still on the website now. But I wanted to incorporate this podcast element because I love podcasts. And I wanted to make something that I would like to listen to basically something that fit more into the type of podcast I like to listen to but wasn't specifically for Are people that were like in their 30s 40s 50s? I know that some of you listening are in those age groups. And I love that I just sometimes there's some podcasts that I enjoy listening to. But some of it wasn't relevant to me at the time because of the budget or because of the the time in life or whatever it was. So that was my inspiration behind it. And I also didn't want to make something that was like, Come learn from me, I have unearthed how to live, well come learn, but rather, we are doing this together. And as I would learn new things and explore new areas of interest, that I could just share those findings, basically, because some, there are some creators, some YouTubers different things like that, who I really enjoy watching or listening to not because 100% of their material is completely original. And not always because I'm I just love that person. Sometimes it's a combination of both. But mostly, it's just do I walk away with a sense of being inspired? Have, have I gotten an idea whether it's the same idea or a different idea, am I excited to participate in this day to, to plan for fun things for the future, you know, just that that little bit of energy, that spark of inspiration, it is what I was hoping to do with this podcast. And I feel like I have because it has continued to inspire me. And from the feedback that I've gotten from you, it seems to do just that. So that's what I continue to, to do to try to do. And so over the past three and a half years, that's how long it's been. I have slowly but surely recorded, edited and shared 100 episodes of this podcast. In that time, I've interviewed lots of fascinating people have developed several yummy recipes. And I've discovered a wonderful community of listeners. I also got married, I moved into my first house, I learned to garden, and I understand more and more each day, each year, the importance of slowing down and enjoying the every day. My relationships with friends and family have become even more important to me. And I believe I've learned to be a little bit kinder to myself, although that's an ongoing journey. So I encourage you to think back over the past three years, think of spring of 2020. And how your life has changed since then I'm sure there will be some good and some bad. But it's a it's kind of a long, it is a long time. And I think it's really interesting that this project started in COVID, because that was sort of like the beginning of an era for all of us. So it's easy to track how your life has changed since since spring of 2020, which is kind of cool. We all have a like a very similar, or the same timeline in that regard. And we've all come a really long way. I don't know if we could have envisioned this magical fall of 2023. But I'm glad to be here. And I'm glad you're here. So let's see, I asked some questions over on Instagram related to the podcast. And so I'd like to share some of your responses. So the first question was where and when do you listen to life on the brink or other podcasts. And most of you said either while driving driving was a big one. Which is cool, because that's where I tend to listen to podcasts and audiobooks as well. And many of you also tend to listen while you're exercising, which is very cool, or working, sometimes housework or even cooking. And so I love I love knowing that I can be a part of those moments, either when you are just working your body sort of mindlessly and wants something to listen to, or just need a little inspiration. So thank you. My next question was How has life on the brink served you slash Why do you listen? Why do you like listening to it? And there are so many beautiful things that you said. Thank you so much. I've just plucked a few quotes to share. One listener said it's great to listen to a podcast that encourages people to slow down and enjoy little joys. Oh, that's great, thank you. And another said absorbing other forms of media that isn't music or mindless TV that's actually applicable to life, which I love to be useful so much I am glad that this podcast has been applicable to you. And finally, I just love this little quote. This is from I'll shout you out Sinead, she's over in Scotland. She said, a lovely little place is really what it is calm, joyful, and now very familiar. Thank you, that is so sweet. And I'm glad that this can be a sort of respite, something that you can count on something that's familiar. Now, that's so special to me, thank you for all of your kind words. I also asked Which episode type is your favorite. And it's interesting because the most popular categories were in the lifestyle slash self improvement sort of area. And then also interviews, guest interviews. But not only was it a tie between those two, but the cooking and tea episodes were just under and like everything, it was kind of spread out, which is nice, it's good for me to see because that means that there are a variety of preferences among you, listeners. And so when I feel sometimes like is this episode totally out of left field, probably it's going to be perfect for a group of you. Which is nice to know, because this is all tied together by a general sentiment. But we do talk about a lot of different stuff on this podcast. And lastly, I asked on Instagram, what little joy has brightened up this week. So I also asked you listener, as you're listening to this, to ponder yours as well, you all had such lovely responses, everything from the fall weather to the people around you, and even looking forward to the holiday season, which has definitely brightened up my week as well. I get really, really excited when I think about Thanksgiving. Thank you to everyone who participated over on social media, I loved your responses. And so now I'd like to move on to your questions. I've selected a few questions regarding the podcast and how it's made and that sort of thing for me to answer. So the first question is, how do you balance this podcast with work and other personal projects? Which is a great question. I think that there are really two elements that have helped me in this. One is to keep a schedule that works for me. Currently, that's bi weekly, though there have been seasons either during the Christmas break, or over the summer when I've done every week. And it may also change down the line. This is I like to be consistent, but it's also just finding one that will work for me in terms of creating it. And also number two, I have found ways to simplify the process, which has been really great. I'll get into more specifics later. But I found ways to make the whole process faster and less overwhelming to incorporate into my routine. Maybe in the future. I might do an episode actually on like, multiple schedules sorts of things like I do have many different jobs and projects and things ongoing. And so that can be overwhelming if it's not organized properly. But also I I've also learned to let go of perfectionism with this podcast, at least on some level, because I'm in a completionist mindset, where as long as I'm consistent and I'm I'm creating and it's it's going out, that is a win for me, rather than make sure that everything is perfect, and then never actually share anything. Okay, next question says How long does it take for you to prep for slash make the podcast each week? This is a very popular question. I've never actually timed it. But I would say that depending on the episode, each, each episode takes about three to four hours of actual work. So like not making tea, probably closer to four if I think about it, but some episodes take much longer. For example, ones that are inspired by books. I just had that one I don't know within the past 10 episodes called um it was about decorating your home and a French style that was all based on a book so not only did I read that book, but then I kept track of certain quotes that I wanted to share. And so that just takes more research and stuff like that. Or if I have a guest on then that the meanwhile setting that up, setting the time getting everything going and then also editing that audio usually takes much longer than if it was just me and some episodes Even if they're not in those two, like episode categories, will just take a lot more research than I originally anticipate. And that's okay, like I so love research. But that takes a little bit more time, I do tend to plan out several episodes in advance, which really helps me at least in terms of topic. And sometimes I've been able to really like batch work about a month or so which would basically mean I write the outlines for a month's worth of episodes or, or several in advance, and then I would record, I guess, ideally, I would record them all, and then edit them all. But that's never happened. It's usually an episode by episode process, which works for me right now. But it also helps to sort of think ahead to what the general outline episode topic will be. For a few episodes down the line. Also, a couple years ago, I found a different way of editing the audio, I've found different ways to write the the outline of made templates for myself based on my own stuff. I've just learned over time, I think, and I'll continue to hone this and refine it and simplify all of that. Okay, next question says, What is your favorite part of making life on the brink? And has it changed over the years? Which is a very nice question. My favorite part has got to be the times when I just feel so inspired about a particular topic or season or whatever it is, and everything just flows. It's a completely fun, stress free creative outlet, where I just, I'm able to just share the things that I love, I really do need an outlet, besides just talking Josh's ears off. And so sometimes my energy is great, I'm feeling good, the vibes are there, the whole thing is just effortless. Those are probably my favorite times in making this podcast. And that's, that really has been the case since the beginning, in terms of my favorite part. But also, another part that is really special to me is the fact that this is kind of a bit of a time capsule, for myself, and perhaps for my family as well. Especially when I interview people in my life, and I'm sharing elements of my life, it's cool, because I also will run into people who I haven't seen for a while, but they're like, I listen to the podcast, so I know what you've been up to. And that's kind of special. But um, yeah, I think it's gonna be a really, really special thing to look back on. I would think that as long as it exists, I mean, to, to, for it to be something that even like my kids could listen to years down the line, to see what the world was like what I was doing. That's, that's just kind of a really cool thing to think about. And I enjoy looking back to see how things have changed over the years. And so that's, that's the other favorite part about this. I lied. I have one more, I have one more thing. And I have a lot of favorites about this. Because while I do I do my metric of success is is it something that is satisfying for me to make? And the answer is yes to that. It's not an incredibly it's, there's it's a small community, smallish, it's grown. But you guys are such a special community because it's so consistent. I think that we are we are a creative, consistent bunch, those of us and so it's it can't be about the number of downloads. I've tried to let that go repeatedly, you know, and it's not nearly as important to me, which is great. But every now and then I will either get a DM on Instagram, or I'll talk to someone who I haven't seen in a while, and they will, they'll just share how a particular episode or the podcast or just the ritual of listening to this podcast just blesses them. And it's encouraging to me because it it makes me feel like what I'm doing with my time is worthwhile, and that that I'm accomplishing the goal that I that I set out with when I started this podcast. So that's my other favorite part. Okay, I've got just a couple more questions to answer. What are your future plans or dreams for the podcast? I don't really have an end goal. I don't really I don't want to grow it to a particular like known point. I'm just content to keep on making it as long as I enjoy it and I have the time to do it in a dream scenario, if I think about it, I guess I would love to, to grow it large enough to have a bit of a larger community of listeners in order to be able to have like, maybe in person events or video elements or lots of, well, I know I want to do lots of recipes, down the line, but just to Yeah, just see where this community can go. Because the actual process of making it and sharing it. I'm content to do that as long as I can. And I'm just going to share this last one. Someone asked when's the cookbook coming out. And I really love those. Seriously, though, it is a dream of mine to publish a cookbook one day, whether attached to this, this life on the brink brand or podcast, unknown to me, haven't even got there. But it would probably be a very slow journey of just slowly collecting and developing recipes over time, and then see if it'll come together. But that is actually like a dream of mine for way down the line, probably. But I appreciate it. Thank you. And I also I have an episode about cookbooks. Where's that one? It's episode 33. That's all about my favorite cookbooks. And actually, I probably need to do another one, I need to update that. But that's a good episode. Um, so that's, that's about all for the q&a portion. And I know that this episode was a bit different in structure. But I believe that it's important to take time to celebrate moments like these, we do often get into the flow of just producing and then resting and then planning and then continuing on like that for a long time. So stopping to say, Yay, 100 episodes, this is important as well. So thank you for your patience again, as I made this special episode. And thank you for listening. This has been a really really cool journey and I'm, I'm interested to see where the next 100 episodes go. Now I'm gonna take a sip of tea and I will be right back with this week's little joy this week's int'l joy is an autumnal tradition that finally made its entrance again, I guess it's all through autumn and winter. Point is I made my first batch of mold cider of apple cider. And it was glorious. It's a very simple process. I'll take you through it real quick. I just took a pot and I simmered on the stove, apple cider, I like the 100% honey crisp apple cider from Trader Joe's, but I've gotten it from many different places. And if you go to an orchard noon to pick up their cider, all the better. I did, it was a half gallon. So these ratios were for a half gallon, but I really was just eyeballing it, you just put the apple cider in your pot, you put it to a nice simmer with I would slice like one big orange, but I didn't have one. So I had two small mandarin oranges, just slice those up with the peel and everything. And then one apple sliced as well. I was probably like four to five cinnamon sticks. And I would say like a big pinch of clothes of whole clothes. And just let it sit there needs like maybe, I don't know, 510 minutes, and it can sit as long as you like. And I just sort of ladle it into nice little mugs. And it's delicious. I love that. It always has a bit of acidity, probably just from the cider itself. But then that orange essence, just brings it forward a little bit. And then Christian, my brother in law, he likes to go and eat all the oranges at the end, which is fine by me. And this year, my little brother has really developed. He's in his cider era. He really loves it. He drinks it all the time. And so when he had this batch, he was just blown away. And I said yep, it's easy. You got to do it yourself. Have it all the time. So it was the first batch of the season. I tend to also mold cider on the whenever we put up the family Christmas tree. I have I now have a big Christmas tree for my house for this year. So maybe I'll do it that day as well. It's so easy and it's it's just the perfect Oh, and I will say if you put a little like fireball or like a similar type of whiskey in with your glass or that is also delicious. It's very comforting and it was definitely a joy of this week. So now, let me leave you with playlist of music. I didn't make this playlist I contributed to it. But I've been listening to a lot. Basically, at my church, it's like the, this group of musicians, we came together and made this playlist called Songs for anxiety, which is going along with the teachings that are going on right now at said church. And so it's, it's a beautiful compilation of genres and styles. And it's really relaxing, very comforting. And just helps me to breathe a little deeper and slower. So I really recommend it. If you have a moment of anxiety, or just a lot of anxiousness. I'll link it in the show notes over at the blog post. And so you can have a listen. Of course, you can find all the blog posts at life on the brink dot live. That's where every blog post every recipe, every playlist is linked. And it's also where you can sign up for the free monthly newsletter. The new one is coming out tomorrow, guys, for those that are listening today. So thank you for signing up. It's free and has lots of fun extra little bits. Yeah, I think that's pretty much Episode 100, I do have a couple of things to just let you know about, I am going to need to take another small break. Meaning rather than two weeks from today, expecting an episode on the 16th, you can expect an episode on the 23rd, which in America is Thanksgiving Day. So that'll be a really nice, grateful episode, I guess, that maybe you can listen to on wherever you're traveling to on Thanksgiving. And that is because again, there's some things that are shifting around in my life. And I also I've got a very cool new project that I've been working on that I'm pretty sure will be I'll be able to like tell you about it on that episode. It's also the busiest time for the school year right now. And so rather than two weeks, I'll be back in three weeks with a new episode. And this will also give me some time to help plan out the holiday related episodes. So all of that should be consistent. All of that should be normal. This is just a really tight time right now. And so I appreciate you guys giving me the space to to make this as I can. Of course, if you haven't listened to some of the autumn related episodes from past years, check them out. There's lots of good stuff. And if you do listen on Apple, and you haven't yet left us a review or a star rating over on Apple podcasts that really helps in the algorithms over there. And it means the world to me, I love to share the reviews here on the podcast. But regardless, I really appreciate all of you listening. I hope that you have a wonderful week. Enjoy the beautiful autumn leaves and I'll be back on Thanksgiving Day with a new episode. Thank you so much. We have 100 episodes. Thank you for tuning in to this episode of Life on the brink. If you're enjoying these episodes, please feel free to leave a star rating or even better leave a review on Apple podcasts to help spread the word. For podcast show notes and extra inspirational posts throughout the week. Head to the blog at life on the brink dot live. And if you'd like a little extra dose of inspiration in your life, sign up for the monthly newsletter, which lights up your inbox the first Friday of each month. Thank you so much for listening. And until next time, friends you have a lovely week. Bye