Life On the Brink

Tips and Hacks for Organization + helping out your future self

Anna Perkins Season 4 Episode 99

Hello hello, and welcome to Episode 99 of Life On the Brink!

Happy October! It’s a beautiful time of year, in my opinion one of the best months of the year. It’s around this month, though, that my schedule starts to look uncommonly busy, the list of projects just seems to grow, and it’s easier for me to get overwhelmed with tasks and commitments. Today I’m sharing a few organizational tips that really help me keep things on track and make things easier for my future self!

In this episode I'm sharing:
-simple ways to keep your home in order
-scheduling techniques to minimize stress
-my year-round gift gathering system (helps a TON in December)
-how to prioritize and enjoy your down time

Plus, this week's Little Joy is a fascinating culinary memoir, and I'm sharing a recent debut album from a group that is about to revolutionize vocal jazz.

For the complete show notes, click here!
For full transcript, click here!

Social: @anna_on_the_keys


Welcome to Life on the brink, a lovely little place filled with inspiration and creativity that is dedicated to enjoying life one day at a time. I'm Ana. And together, we're exploring the beautiful things in this world that fascinate us. And often discovering something new. Hello, hello, welcome to episode 99 of life on the brink. Good morning. It's morning for me. So good morning, or afternoon or evening or whenever you're listening to this, we have reached that magical month of October. I am enjoying this month. So so so much. It's just the right temperature. It's nice and chilly in the mornings, the leaves are starting to turn. It's actually here like we think about this month. I do anyway, I think October is truly one of the best months of the year. And we're here. However, October also becomes one of the busier months of the year, probably because there's so much fun fall stuff that you want to do. But it's also the beginning in a way of the holiday season. I noticed that this month is when my list of projects just seems to grow. And I start to get really busy. And it's easier for me to get overwhelmed with tasks and commitments, basically from now until the new year, if I'm not careful, because things just get busier and busier. So October is the time to really get intentional about helping out your future self. That way we can spend these last three glorious months of the year, really enjoying this season, and spending less time stressing out about it. So that's the aim of today's episode. It is in a similar vein, I suppose as the episode that I published exactly one year ago, actually, it was this week in 2022. That was episode 69, which was called reducing holiday stress part one, which was all about planning ahead. Just because this is really that that prime moment where it Christmas no longer feels a million years away. But it's not upon us yet. And October already has enough commitments of its own. So today is just going to be about some organizational tips. And some that you may even call hacks. I'm not sure what encompasses a hack, but some of them can be hacked. But they really helped me some especially recently, this year, they helped me to keep things on track. And to make things easier for future on. So today you are helping out your future self, basically. But it's also going to reduce stress in the now a little bit of planning ahead or a little bit of sacrifice of time now will pay back in dividends throughout these busy months. And this will also work if you know at any time. Some of these are universal, and some of them like you may have a busier season, depending on what you what your life looks like or your job or whatever this could be at different times of the year as well. So before we dive into all that, go ahead and get yourself a nice cup of tea. Hopefully something spicy and autumnal I got a hold of some of that banana nut muffin tea that I mentioned, I guess it was two episodes ago and I was talking about books and tea from the spice and tea exchange. Oh, this is truly like drinking and dessert. Sometimes I've been putting oat milk in it as well. I've re I've come back to my love of oat milk, I forgot about it. But it is delicious. And it's great in this tea. But regardless of what you have, make yourself something nice and warm and cozy. And feel free to get comfy. And let's let's talk about it. I've got four No, three main categories, and they're going to get more and more October specific as we go. We're going to start in the home just things that help to keep my home and routines working steadily. Then we're going to move to scheduling, which can be a whole, a whole episode by itself. But if we're going to talk about it, and then finally I'm going to talk about a couple of seasonal things. So things that could pertain to Christmas but also, I guess it's mostly about preparing for holidays or gift giving and things like that. So first let's just talk about the home taking care of your home, taking care of your routines, and continually helping out yourself tomorrow. Number one, when it comes to things like laundry detergent, or sponges, trash bags, toiletry items, all of those things that can just kind of get out of hand, if we can keep track of them, I keep a dedicated note on my phone. This could also just be a list somewhere in your house or notepad. And whenever something runs out, usually like I would, ideally, you could write this down as it's getting low. But most of the time, if something runs out, it's immediately put on the list, your phone is probably near you at many moments of the day. So I find that the phone is an easy thing to remember that the moment I realize this has run out or this is running low, it goes on the note. And then you can either take that list to the store or for me to help me from getting even more sidetracked, I will usually take that list and go straight to the target app and put all of those items, get an online order, I just do the the pickup option because we're living in the future, I drive up and they bring me all my stuff. And that way I don't get more things from target that I don't need. And when it's time for the target order, I will usually you know, you go through your stuff and try to remember but I in those moments when I'm like what do I need to get from the store. Those are never the moments when I can actually remember what I need. It's in the moments when I should be using them. And it's not there, or it's running low. So just getting into that habit, that practice of writing it down as you think of it. It's a simple change. But it honestly has helped me out so much. Number two is a similar sort of vein. And I actually talked about it in the last episode, Episode 98. And I was talking about meal planning and stuff. But it's it pertains to this as well, I keep a grocery list on the fridge. It's one of those, like stacks of notes, a note pad, I guess you could call it that's held by a magnet, and it sticks right up on the fridge. And if something's running low, or it's just run out, immediately I write it on the list. I also have a nifty caddy that's held up by a magnet as well that can hold some pens. So that just helps me to stay organized. And I am more likely to remember the things that I cook with. And then before I go to the store, I tend to open up the fridge and pantry and do a bit of that conscious list making. But again, it's the unconscious, making the list along the way that has really helped me. So like I said, that fridge magnet list pad has been very useful for me, I do recommend those. They're everywhere. They're very cheap. But you could also just keep a list on one of your counters or on top of the fridge or wherever works for you. All right, moving right along. Number three is about mail. And I know there's some different systems of how to organize mail when you bring it in. But I think sometimes I would get caught up in well, I've sorted it into little piles, and now that the action has been taken, and then the bills might be forgotten about or this other stuff, you know. So what works for me and what has worked is, when the mail comes into the house, it'll probably go right onto this little ledge that's by the front door or to the dining room table. And I do my best to sort it out immediately. If not immediately then within the hour, I should say. Because probably if you are like me a lot of your mail is stuff that you don't actually need is coupons and advertisements, and people trying to clean the gutters. And so for all of those immediately in the recycling bin. Excellent. That's out of your way. If it's a coupon I might actually use it goes into that little caddy I was talking about that sits that rests on the fridge with a magnet or goes in my purse. And then things like bills or important things will be brought upstairs. Those are the only things that make it into ongoing male territory. So I actually got a really cute male organizer. There's all kinds of them, but I got this one to add a vintage market. And it's currently on Josh's desk because he's in charge of the filing cabinet. And at least it's um it's organized a little bit so there's not as much visual clutter. But he asked me when I got this organizer, he was like, Well, I don't know if I would want that thing sitting on my desk all the time. And I said well, it's usually got mail and stuff in it that needs to be filed and he was like But then when it's all filed, then it's just sitting there. And I said, Well, I'll make you a deal. If it's entirely empty, then it can sit on my desk, and he was like deal. So that's just a way that we're going to make sure that it all gets filed and organized in a timely manner. But this not only helps out with, like future organization, but it does a lot for me to clear the visual clutter, lots of paper, and bills, that just for me, adds a little bit of stress, every time I look at it, and it might not be a lot. But every time I've passed the dining room table, or whatever, you know, wherever it's sitting, if it piles up, it's just you know, what I'm talking about where it piles up, and then it's more stressful. So instead, when the mail comes in, most of its going to recycling anyway, just handle it, and then take care of the bills or wherever it needs to go, you know, all that stuff can be addressed. In your in your routine, your schedule. Number four, this really goes into the same idea of the visual clutter, and just making things less stressful for yourself. And that is, of course, to clean out your closet. Because clothes can be very overwhelming for me. And while I don't keep any kind of Capsule Wardrobe by any means. I do consistently purge through my closet, and it has helped out so much. October is the perfect time to do this. Because most likely you're already putting away your summer stuff, and you're taking out your sweaters. So just take a moment. This is the routine I do every every I guess six months whenever I swap it. As I'm taking my items from the previous season off their hangers, I will ask myself and try to remember did I wear this at all this past season? A single time? And if the answer is no, and it's not like a special occasion, like a fancy clothes, most likely it's going to Goodwill, because even if I loved it in the past this year, the whole summer came and went and I didn't wear it not one time. Now this year is a bit interesting, because I just did this the other day. And I have a couple of dresses that I just love certain details of it. But I don't know if the reason that I didn't wear them this summer is because I no longer enjoy wearing these garments. Or if it's because my body is different than when I first bought them. Or if I didn't have the same number of occasions to go to. For example, let me give an example. I have this dress and it's red. It's beautiful. It's quite casual. The hemline is above the knee, which these days, I'm just not into no more. I just feel like it doesn't work with my body proportions. And so that could be a reason I didn't wear it. But also it has an open back with these beautiful. Like, you tie these bows. It's a detail on the back. But most of the places that I go like now I'm a teacher. And well, I've been a teacher but like just the rhythms and the places that I've been to that dress has not really been appropriate or like it's not been a good time to wear it. And but I don't know if it's circumstantial. So in this instance, I did keep the red dress, and I'll see if it happens next year. So it gets one more try. But there were some dresses that I wore plenty of times, and summers past and summers past. And then I didn't at all this year. And I know most likely I'm not going to and they went to Goodwill. And that's fine. Thank you for enduring my my red dress story. The point is that if you have a rhythm of getting rid of the clothes you don't wear and going through it, then it helps getting dressed in the morning become far less stressful. If you're slowly curating a closet of things that fit you well, where you are right now. They reflect your style there. They work with the places that you go and you work and you know they're appropriate for your lifestyle. It's just so much easier to get ready in the morning. So that's number four to just clean out your closet. And finally, the fifth item on this list is the final home item and this is a kind of random I guess this is a true hack. I first saw it online and I'll leave a link in the show notes to the original video that I saw. But I am definitely a gallery wall person. I love them. I love looking at them. I love having them in my home. And in my living room. The ceilings are very high. And there's been this big wall above the couch and I knew I wanted to do a gallery wall and I was slowly collecting pieces for it. And I had enough to finally get one going. I'm probably going to add more to it but I wanted to get it up before my brother His birthday party which was at my house, but when you have a lot of potentially heavy and this is big artwork, mapping it out can be a little bit tricky. I did sort of play with it on the floor until I found an arrangement that I liked. But then just making sure I have the heights and the spacing correct. This is what I did, you just take out some wrapping paper or I guess like butcher paper or something like that. And you trace around each of the frames, you cut it out. And then you also mark where the where the hook is where it hangs from, that can be one or two points most likely. And then I just had a bunch of rolled up pieces of paper. And with a ladder also by myself. So this was the best way to do it. I, I got up and I arranged them in the the basic configuration that I'd figured out on the floor. But because it was pieces of paper and not big pieces of artwork, I just use painters tape and attach them to the wall. And then I was able to step back, and I was able to notice, no, this one over here needs to be a little bit further out or I need to adjust the positioning of this other, you know all of that little messing with it, it was so much easier to do that and to see it on that wall with these pieces of paper. And then since I marked where the nails were supposed to go, I just drilled them right through the paper than tore the paper away and hung everything in place. And it was fantastic. So I know that's a bit of a niche thing. But I did just want to share it because it helped me out a lot. And it would have made that whole process far more daunting and time consuming. So now let us move from the home to the schedule. This is going to help out a lot over the next couple of months. And generally it just is a good practice that I that I keep all of these little tips. Number six on this list is to get every single meeting or appointment or event possible, put it on your calendar. Because we're talking about October, you could just do it, I would recommend at least from October to the first of January, get everything every time you have an appointment every time you have a rehearsal or whatever it is. Put it in the calendar. But you can also do this just as part of your normal routine. This year, when the school year started, the school I work at has faculty meetings on Monday afternoons, but I don't always have to go to them, they don't always pertain to me. So I went through the list that was given at the beginning of the year. And I put every single faculty meeting for the entire school year into the calendar on my phone. And it's great. Now I don't have to think about it again, I don't have to go searching for that list. They're all in my calendar, I know where each meeting is, what the meeting is going to pertain to. And that just held up myself for this entire school year. Those are the kinds of things that I feel will fall through the cracks. If we're at the doctor, and they say let's schedule the next thing, then you put it in your phone, that's a pretty regular thing for every one to do. It's usually these recurring things that sometimes I'll forget about, those are the things to put into your calendar, because if they're not visually represented, at least for me, then I won't have a full picture of what that week is going to look like. And it's more difficult to gauge how draining those collected events will be. So if you have a planner or a calendar, try to write down as much as possible. Even the things that are regular or semi regular. And then if something changes, you got to fix it in the calendar immediately. So number seven goes right along with that. And it's something that has worked really well for me. And for Josh, as a couple, we have a shared Google Calendar. So you could do this within a family within a couple within a group of roommates or any kind of group. It has been super helpful. Because we both know what's on the other person's schedule. And we know what the events that both of us are part of when those are coming up. We also color coded so that my events are blue, his events are green. The events that are for both of us are purple. And then I have more color coding within my own stuff, of course, but it's great because when we're apart and we need to schedule something individually, we're able to see what the other person is doing. And that also kind of makes it easier to have to keep up to date with it. Because of course, like everyone we've gotten into situations of Well, I didn't see it on the calendar. So I don't know. But that's normal, it happens, it just is, it's minimized, with a more regular system of making sure everything's on it, and then sharing it between the two of us, it's helped a lot. And finally, number eight, probably the most important thing to do right now in October is to talk with your people get the group chats going, and communicate, when to schedule, any kind of event between now and January, get these going. Now, it is so stressful when you're in the middle of December. And then it's like, oh, we were going to do this thing, or we have this family tradition where, but it's not scheduled. And then everyone has conflicts. And it's just a lot. So for example, I'll give you a few different examples in my own personal life this year, every year, my family goes apple picking, we go up to the mountains, and we go to the same orchard, pick the apples, it's such a great day. But it has to work for like everybody's calendar. And we tried to do it kind of outside of their peak season where they're trying to charge tickets for entry, we don't want that. So it's already on the calendar has been for about a month, but we're going in November. And it's just a matter of my sister and I and my mom basically coming up with the right day, my own family on on my side of the family. Because Josh and I are with my side this year for Thanksgiving, the group chat has been formed, the menu is being planned. No, that's, that's a bit larger, you may not be able to, to make your family, your whole Thanksgiving group go along with that, but it's very helpful. On the other hand, the group that I sing with the TrueTone honeys, I've mentioned them before, we have some very, very exciting Christmas shows coming up. And so probably two weeks ago, or maybe it was four weeks ago, we scheduled out every single rehearsal between that day and those Christmas shows. As well as events when we wanted to carry on our own traditions. My friend Jeanette organizes Christmas caroling, I said, I have to get it on the calendar, that's a priority. So now it's on the calendar, all of my concert dates for school, they are in the calendar, it feels much more manageable when I can see what's coming ahead. And it helps me to say no, when new stuff shows up. And it's sort of last minute or it's not super important, or it's the things of lesser importance, you can say no to them, because you've already had the more important things listed. So this will depend obviously, on your family, and how big your family is, and what kind of traditions you have. But all your fall fun things and all your holiday events, try to get them scheduled as early as possible. It just helps out so much down the line. And now finally, let's move into our final section for the last four. It is sort of I'm labeling it seasonal, because it's especially useful for Christmas. But it's not always some of it pertains to birthdays, because I have found a workable method for avoiding the the moment of remembering Oh, it's so and so's birthday today or tomorrow. And I'm in the middle of everything and I don't have you know time or a gift or a card or whatever it is I just don't have the bandwidth for that right now. I have a solution. And it's actually worked for me. I do my grocery shopping partially at Trader Joe's. And they have a really nice little selection of greeting cards. So I go through and I make sure that I have at all times in my home. A very nice aesthetic birthday card. That could be for a woman or a man, it's ready to go in my home. Now if I know that someone's birthday is coming up, for example, it was just Josh's birthday, I got him a little card with him in mind. But this is for the times when you forget because sometimes you forget and especially if you have a large family like me. So have this card on deck ready to go. Now if you want to take it one step further, here's something else you could do is to have a gift card ready in waiting somewhere like target where most people go or Starbucks or somewhere local, a nice dinner spot or something like that. Then you have a complete gift ready to go. That is well it's not not thoughtful, because you've thought ahead to make sure that you have something for that person and of course you write a heartfelt note inside the card. This is likely if you're going to not remember that something is going on, it doesn't have to be for birthday either. It could also be an anniversary, it could be a different kind of get together, something like that housewarming, just having a little emergency gift has been really useful for me. So gift cards, I think are nice, because they can be pretty generic. But you could also have like a candle or two in a box somewhere. And those are for when you have the last minute, this isn't going to be like your mom, your brother, because you're going to remember when their birthdays are coming up. Most likely, this is going to be for people that are probably not as close to you, but you would like to bring something you want to give them something. So this is had, this has been a nice solution for me. And just as a side note, I think like when I'm in a pinch, and I have nothing, no gift, I think that fresh flowers are always a really nice way to go. That's my opinion. That's what that's the number nine and number 10 is right in the same vein. Because just as I said, like maybe keeping a candle on deck ready to go. I also have in my closet, like a box of gifts. And some of them are most of them actually are for specific people. And it's used for shopping purposes, because throughout the year, if I see something, I think of that person, I just get it. This has been way easier for me than waiting until November and then shopping at different places for everyone in my life. Instead, if I see something, I get it, put it in the box. And that's really useful come Christmas time or birthday time. And I don't think that it makes it any less authentic of a gift or genuine because you bought it because you thought of that person. That's the whole point of I think providing a gift to someone on a special occasion. But I also use this box for potential re gifting. We don't like to talk about it all the time so much. But sometimes someone gets you something usually someone you don't know, or you get it at a party or something like that, you know, you end up with something like Well, I'm not actually going to use this ever. It goes in the box, and either someone that I know comes to mind. Or if you have to go if you're going to like a Christmas party, white elephant situation. These things come in handy all the time. Of course, if nothing happens after Christmas season, it goes to Goodwill and it's fine. This box is also home to any re gifting items. And again, all of this is just to help you out. So as it gets closer to Christmas, it's not as overwhelming you are already in your gift get a gift buying routine is already on its way. Number 11. This is an obvious one perhaps, but not one that many of us actually actually do. That is to buy tools and decorations and things that you need for given season after that season. Prime example. During that week in between Christmas and the New Year. Last year, my sister and I went to Michael's where all of the wrapping paper was like 70% off and we got our stock we are good for wrapping paper this year. It's not exactly the vibe. Obviously, none of this is going to be the vibe buying stuff out of CES. But it will be in time it will be so just as like Halloween is about to come once it's after Halloween. Men look for pumpkins, you know what I'm talking about. Because if you're ideally hopefully reusing some of the same things, not disposable things like wrapping paper, but decor items and costume items, things like that, you're reusing that every year, most likely. And so buying them when they're out of season is just going to be way more affordable. And then when that season rolls around, you're already set this year. This is our first Christmas it will be our first Christmas in this house. And the first time that I can actually have a full sized Christmas tree. So I started looking in like the spring on Facebook marketplace. And sometime I guess it would have been sometime in the summer, early summer, Josh and I found one it's like a Martha Stewart pre lit gorgeous got a great deal. Because now in like a month from now, that's when everyone's going to start looking for trees but we're ahead of the game. So I encourage you whether it is for a birthday for a holiday or for an upcoming season or gathering. Even if it's not the vibe to shop for it now it will be the vibe and it will make it less stressful. And finally, this is I don't know if I've mentioned this in the the other holiday planning episode. But number 12 is to write down ideas for gifts all year round. So this is combining, like the grocery list, habit. And this sort of thinking ahead for gift giving. So I keep it in the back of my journal for for whatever year I'm in, but it could also be on your phone, it could also be on Amazon, you know, if I hear about something, I'm watching a YouTube video, and someone mentions a book, and it reminds me of someone in my own life, I immediately go and write that write down that book. It might not be like 100%, I'm gonna get that for this person. But at least I'll look at it later. If you're with that person, and they mentioned something, that's when it happens a lot. Someone will say, I've always wanted to try it or something like that, and I write it down. So even if you're not actively shopping for Christmas, or birthdays, or whatever, all year round, you have a bank of ideas to go from. This has been really helpful for me when I start to really get serious about Christmas shopping. And that I know that method I did explain like the way I go about Christmas shopping in October. I mentioned that in episode 69. So feel free to check that out. So those are my 12 tips and hacks that right now have become a big priority. Ways that have helped out my future self ways that have helped more difficult tasks become simpler, and have helped me maintain a bit more peace of mind. So I just want to leave you with two parting thoughts. One is that sometimes it's easier to use these in a quote unquote hack mindset. Or like you're doing this just in case or you're doing this. Yeah, in sort of adjusting case mindset instead of I live by a rigid lifestyle, because then your procrastination can kick in. And then it becomes more of a trudge, basically. But if you think I'm ahead of the game, I'm doing this and just tucking it away, just in case, then it feels a little bit more carefree. Perhaps you resonated with that, perhaps not. And finally, I mentioned it a little bit earlier. But one of the biggest things that I still work on grasping, that I think we all need a bit of encouragement doing is saying no, no, thank you, in fact, because especially as the holidays rolling, there's going to be all manner of opportunities to work, to see people to do all these experiences. And some of them can be great. All of them could be great. But when you have all of them all at once it's draining, and it's stressful. So you also have full permission to say, no, no thank you, or to even put in your calendar a day for nothing. Because all of those things are needed, your time alone, your time to rest your time with your family, whatever it may be. Those Those that's the point of all of this, actually, all of this organizational skills and scheduling and events and stuff. Getting that in line is only so that you can have more time to breathe, to relax, to enjoy. That's the point of this not to pack all that you can into your calendar. In order to just optimize every second of your life. It's so that you can have more time to chill. So I hope that some of these are helpful, encouraging, useful, and will help you enjoy this beautiful season fall and then into Christmas. It's such a great time of year so I will be right back now with this week's little joy All righty, this week's little joy is a book that I just finished. Actually I listened to the audiobook, and I really recommend it as the audiobook as it's narrated by the author. I've discovered that I am very picky when it comes to fiction narrators. But I'm way more open to listening to nonfiction, especially autobiographies when they are narrated by the author. So this is just that the book is called your table is ready Tales of a New York City maitre d, and it's by Michael Checky. As Alina, this book was utterly fascinating. It's exactly what it sounds like. This guy worked in many different restaurants. He was doing so in like the 80s all the way up to present and this the stories that he tells are insane. And he does show the good and the bad. I'll just say that. And let me also say that this book is not His family friendly. Not at all. Don't listen to it in the car if you have kids in the car, but it was so interesting, and he's such a good narrator. Many stories that were like very intense and were stressful. You can hear that in his voice. It's just, it was it was fantastic. It was fantastic. He met so many famous people. And he one crazy story having to do with more than one mob story, actually. But it's also cool because you get a little bit more of a glimpse into the restaurant world, which I already know is like, this is cutthroat stuff, at least on the kitchen side. So it was cool to hear stories from someone who worked at the front of house and just how the service industry operates. It was fantastic. I really loved it, I really recommend the audiobook. Again, it can be intense to definitely for grownups, but I enjoyed it. So that is called your table is ready tales of New York City maitre d by Michael Cecchi as Alina. And finally, I will quickly leave you with an album of music. This is one that's new to meet new to us all. Actually, it came out in August of this year. It's a self titled debut album by a group called SAGE it spelled s a je with zoom out over the a pronounced sage. And they are a quartet, a female vocal quartet. And the harmonies are tight and crunchy in a way that I just absolutely love. They've got originals on the album, as well as some covers really beautiful instrumental accompaniments, sometimes. And some really wonderful guest artists as well. I love this album, I'm gonna listen to it a lot. I think it's gonna become really influential in this next era of modern composition of jazz composition of things that are in that jazz, soul, middle ground, it's beautiful. It's stunning, their pitch is so on point. So I really recommend that album. Thank you so much for listening, we're almost to 100 episodes, which is wild. So for next, the next episode, it will be in two weeks, I'm going to do a little bit of some interaction with you guys. That's my hope. So in within the next week, I'm going to be making a post on Instagram, to one I'm going to ask questions of you guys, which hopefully you can then respond to me. And then I will make opportunity for you to ask questions you can ask questions to me about this podcast. Things that I've learned through this podcast things about me and anything really, I just want to make it a bit more of a community centered episode. Because it's 100 episodes, I can't believe it's happened. I mean, it's taken long enough, but it's been really great. So if you are not yet feel free to head to Instagram, my handle is Ana on the keys. But there's underscores in between each word. And of course, it's linked on the website and everything. The website in the show notes, the blog posts for all of these podcast episodes is of course at life on the brink dot live. Feel free to head over there. I hope to yeah, I hope that you'll join me in this interactive bit for this next episode. That'll be in the next two weeks from when this is published. So this is coming out on October 12. So be looking for the next week, I should say. Until then, have a wonderful October have a cup of tea on me, and I'll be back with episode 100. Thank you for tuning in to this episode of Life on the brink. If you're enjoying these episodes, please feel free to leave a star rating or even better leave a review on Apple podcasts to help spread the word. For podcast show notes and extra inspirational posts throughout the week. Head to the blog at life on the brink dot live. And if you'd like a little extra dose of inspiration in your life, sign up for the monthly newsletter, which lights up your inbox the first Friday of each month. Thank you so much for listening. And until next time, friends, you have a lovely week. Bye