Life On the Brink

Autumn Favorites: all the books, teas, recipes, and projects I'm loving this season

Anna Perkins Season 4 Episode 97

Hello hello, and welcome to Episode 97 of Life On the Brink!

The weather is finally starting to (slowly) cool down and I couldn’t be more excited. Autumn comes with a state of mind and I am already there, so today is all about welcoming that sweet, spicy, autumn season. 
Today is all about the things you can enjoy from the start of fall (or even now!) no matter what the weather is doing.

In this episode I'm sharing:
-my autumn reading list
-all the seasonal teas
-recipes to try this fall
-cozy project and craft ideas

Plus, this week's Little Joy is a wholesome interaction I had late at night, and I'm sharing the ultimate cozy playlist to get you in the autumnal spirit

For the complete show notes, click here!
For full transcript, click here!

Social: @anna_on_the_keys


Welcome to Life on the brink, a lovely little place filled with inspiration and creativity that is dedicated to enjoying life one day at a time. I'm Ana. And together, we're exploring the beautiful things in this world that fascinate us. And often discovering something new. Hello, hello, welcome to episode 97 of life on the brink. I am back. Thank you for your patience. I know I've been away a little while. And I appreciate everyone's kindness and support in during this time. But I've returned as this is a project that is very fulfilling and satisfying and just gets me creatively excited. And and I'm also just really excited for fall for the next season. And so I'm glad to be back. And I'm making a new episode. And because I know that several of you listen to this podcast while doing particular things, it's part of your ritual, either in the garden or on a walk or exercising or cleaning at home. And I have very much been enjoying other creators fall content. So that's what today's episode is all about. I am fully in the autumn state of mind, because the weather has not quite caught up to it yet. Wherever you are, I hope that it's at least becoming a little bit cooler. It is for me things are sort of leveling out in the mid 80s, which is a nice respite from the hot hot summer we've been having. But I'm used to a very mild autumn. This episode is less about the layers, the fashion, the chill in the air, the fall foliage, etc. Because that will come in time. But we're not there yet. And I'm used to at least the first half of fall being just mild, a little bit cooler, maybe a little crisp in the mornings. But it's more about the harvest and the spices. So today's episode is more about the things that you can enjoy no matter what the weather's doing. So I'm talking about books. I'm talking a lot about tea as it turns out, and recipes and little cozy extras that I'm enjoying and planning to enjoy. I'm excited to enjoy this autumn. And even though I'm not going to be using my fireplace anytime soon, I do keep a cardigan or an Afghan close by in the cozy season just because it feels yummy. As most of you probably know, this summer was very difficult for me. It's been a very challenging a couple of months. And I was already looking forward to the fall season this year. So now even more so it's going to be refreshing and rejuvenating and creative and healing and warm and lovely. So I am reclaiming that for myself and for all of you listening as well. So let's go ahead and make a cup of tea if you haven't already. I have I found in the back of it cabinet. A box of Twinings spiced apple Chai, I don't know how long it's been there. So I've been brewing it two bags per cup. And it's nice. It's not as spicy as sometimes I like a chai. But don't worry, I'm talking about lots of different teas today, as I mentioned, but go ahead and make yourself a cup of coffee or tea. Maybe you've got your autumn mugs out already. But however it looks, let's just get a little cozy. Okay, let's dive into some recommendations here. These are things that I mostly things that I'm looking forward to enjoying this fall I've been exploring new things. Mostly the bulk of this is books and tea. My main activity this fall is going to be reading with a cup of tea, I think. But I was in a little bit of a reading slump. I think I'm still on track to meet my book goal for the year which is 40 books. And it's been a pretty heavy audiobook summer. But something about the cool weather. It just it sets the scene for some of my favorite kind of books which is I'm very atmospheric and adventurous and cozy. So here are six books, the six that I've picked out for myself to read through this whole fall season. One of them you will have heard about probably last year because I still haven't finished it. But a couple of these are new. And if you are at all in the book world online, you may have heard of some of them. But I'm looking forward to it. I have been really taking advantage of my new local library system since moving. I've got several books. The first on my list is the continuation of the Practical Magic series. I've read one or two books in this series for the past couple of autumns. And I'm finally down to the last book so far, I don't know if it if she's planning to write more. But this is the book of magic. So it comes after chronologically Practical Magic. I started two years ago, by reading magic lessons, which is the first chronologically but not wasn't written first. And then last autumn, I read both, what is it the rules of magic and Practical Magic. And then this year, I'm wrapping it up with the book of magic, which, from the way it's going, I'm maybe like a third of the way through. It feels like it could be like the end like it could be wrapping up all of this stuff. I just love this series. I haven't read any Alice Hoffman outside of this series. But I think I really like her writing. It's it's special in the way that it's cozy, and just really descriptive without sitting too long in it, like I really get a sense of place when I read her books, and I just love the family dynamics, and in particular the sibling dynamics, a lot of sister dynamics in particular, but some brother as well. And just the notion of family heritage. In these books in this series, it tells the story of the Owens family and in particular, the Owens women who are basically witches in different ways. And some of them tried to deny that heritage, and then others embrace it, or they discover it and all of them are cursed in love. And so that becomes an issue for everyone, of course, but the moral, I guess you could call it the sort of parting thought is always to embrace love. And I love that it has to do with forgiveness, and just themes of family and love. And I so far enjoyed the first book in the series magic lessons, which is kind of separated from the rest of the series in terms of when it takes place. But I just loved it. So I really recommend, especially if you've seen the movie to give this series a try. I haven't seen the movie yet. But this fall, I plan to watch it. So that's number one, the book of magic. Next up I'm sure I've talked about this before, but let's talk about it again, the Goldfinch by Donna Tartt. I started reading it like either last fall or winter, I don't recall. And then I had to give it back to the library, and then it got too warm for me to properly enjoy this book. But the thing about Donna Tartt that I just adore is she is so particular in her descriptions of people and places that they each have their own feel and voice and it sticks in your brain so that I haven't read this book for months, but I know exactly where I left it. And I don't have to reread any sections whenever I come back to her books because it's so vivid in my mind. And I think I just really liked her her stories in the colder months. So this will probably be like a now until the end of 2023 read because it's also a fact book. It's really big. But it's telling the story of a young boy who loses his mother in a terrorist attack. And in the confusion of all of this, it happens at an art gallery and he steals a painting the goldfinch. And then it's just sort of talking about what happens after that. I don't think it's going to end very well. I don't know I haven't gotten anywhere near anywhere near the end. But I've spoken before about How much I loved the secret history. as twisted as it was, it was just such a beautiful book. So I am enjoying it, I'm still going to read it. And if you're interested in something really big and sprawling, but really specific in its voice and characters, I can't recommend Donna Tartt enough. All right, number three on this list is leading into a little bit of spooky season. It is Halloween party by Agatha Christie. I've now read like one Agatha Christie per, per year, past couple of years. And I usually read them in like two sittings because they're gripping. But if you're unaware Halloween party is the book that the film that's coming out this this month actually a haunting in Venice. That's the book that it's based on. I don't know why they've changed the name. Because the other two, Orient Express and death on the Nile are same title as the books. But regardless, I kind of want to read the book before I go to the movie. Because Agatha Christie is one where I never I never guess it. I never know what's going on. And so it would be nice, I think to go into the movie, knowing what happened so that I can watch for things. But still get the thrill of the mystery by reading the book. It's one of her Hercule poro mysteries, and I just love the way that they've adapted that character to screen. So I plan on reading that one hopefully, like maybe simultaneously with the book of magic, honestly, because the movie comes out soon. And next up is a book that I think came out last year or for the past year, it's gotten a lot of buzz, and it's called the very secret society of irregular witches by Sangu Madonna. And I understand it to be sort of like magical realism, very sweet found family, a woman who realizes she's a witch. And that's not allowed. And so she has to sort of come to terms with who she is, I think it's got a little bit of romance. But it's mostly I think it said modern day, it's just a sweet story that I think is meant to be very cozy and a little bit magical. So I've seen lots of good things about it. Everyone who reads it says it's heartwarming, and really fun. So I've got that from the library, too. And I think that's going to make a really nice October read. And finally, I've got two books on this list that have come out this year, or is about to come out. One of them is called the only one left by Riley Sager. I'm not familiar with Riley seghers writing, but I have heard a lot of hype about this book. And it kind of gave me the vibes of Agatha Christie. And Then There Were None. I mean, it's called the only one left. It has to do with like, a big massacre. And everyone blames this 117 year old for, for doing it. And she denies it. And that was in 1929. And then I think he may be going back and forth. Because most of the book takes place in 1983. And they're sort of unearthing what happened that night. It's labeled as a thriller, and a mystery and also a mystery thriller. So we'll see how it goes. It's got let's see 4.19 stars on Goodreads right now with 11,000 Reviews. So that's pretty high considering it's a new book with that many reviews. And I noticed that in his bio Riley seghers bio on good reads it says his favorite film is rear window, or maybe Jaws, but probably if he's being honest Mary Poppins. So all three of those are excellent answers. And I feel like I'm gonna enjoy this book. And it's also set in like the main coast. So the cover art has a cliffside with the water with a big old house. So I think it's gonna be a little spooky, hopefully, maybe a bit of knives out meats, and then there were none. So we'll see. But I've got that one ready to go. And then finally, there's a book that is about to come out. It's called the unfortunate side effects of heartbreak and magic, and that is released on September 19 of this year. So within the next week, as I read online it says For fans of Practical Magic, and Gilmore Girls, which are to autumn stables for me now it says the unfortunate side effects of heartbreak and magic is a debut novel that explores the shields we build around our hearts and retain our own magic. We'll see how heartbreaking it will be. But there's been quite a bit of excitement surrounding this release. And if it's going to be the feelings that I get from Practical Magic and Gilmore Girls, hopefully it's going to be a really beautiful ride. So that's the last of the books. Those are the six that I'm hoping to read this fall. I have them all in my possession except for this new release. Like I said, I'm I've sort of cleaned up my library of their autumn reads. So let's move on to tea. As I was thinking about things that I'm looking forward to this fall, I started thinking about tea, and then it just sort of expanded and now I have 1234567 I've narrowed it down to eight teas that that I have either tasted or tried or haven't yet, and I'm gonna buy them. So I feel like tea. This is It's time, right? Coffee gets a lot of love for me in the summer, especially if it's iced, or the Mocha the coconut etc. But once it gets a little cooler, I just want some tea. And I've also included in here several that will not have caffeine, if that's an issue for you. And they're all just so creative and wonderful. I just feel like there's endless possibilities. So first, let's talk about Harney and Sons. They're just staple we know them, we love them. And I currently have some of their hot cinnamon spice, which is like an old standby. However, they have either just released or rereleased something called hot apple spice. And it sounds fantastic. Let's see. Let me read a little bit here. Apples ripened in the orchard along with cinnamon, orange peel and ground cloves. This black tea results in a sweet warming brew with just the right amount of spice. It sounds so good, just like the autumnal version of hot cinnamon spice. And I oh by the way, I'm leaving links to all of these teas in the show notes that I've also left links to the books as well. Next up, of course, I've got to talk about the Trader Joe's harvest blend herbal tea. It's everything that I want in an herbal tea. I had it last year for the first time, I hope. I think they're bringing it back this year. I feel confident about that. In fact, I'm probably going to go to Trader Joe's today. Look for it. But I made it into lattes. I steeped it all the time, I would keep bags in my purse. It's just such a good way especially you know maybe at the end of the day, because it's herbal, it's caffeine free. It's delightful if you're near a Trader Joe's by all means try this one. Oh, and in fact, the next two on my list are also herbal teas, so caffeine free. The next is by the Republic have tea, and it's their cardamom, cinnamon herbal tea. I have not tried this one. However, I am obsessed with cardamom, my one true love. And so I feel like this is like an ideal combination. Cinnamon feels very autumnal and cardamom is just fantastic. So I've tried to include some teas from different places, different sources so that hopefully you can find one where you live. So that one's cardamom cinnamon by the Republic of tea. And now moving over to the spice and tea exchange. I tried this tea last year, and it was very surprising. It was great. It's their banana nut muffin herbal tea. It came out as a seasonal thing last year, and I had a little bit of it just as it was going out of stock. But apparently since then it has become an all year round tea, which I didn't know but it's great news. And when else is there a better time to drink a cup of tea that tastes like a pastry. It's not it's not as strange as you think it would be. It smells like a banana nut muffin. And then it tastes a little bit more on the nutty side a little spicy, it doesn't taste like you're drinking artificial banana flavor because I know that you might be thinking that I thought it was really nice. I can't wait to try it again this fall and into like a Christmas season that just I know that might sound strange but it was just really comforting. And now I'm going to speak a little bit more about ones that I would have to get online as they're both Canadian. So if I have any Canadian listeners, this is for you. All of these are also loose leaf, the banana nut herbal tea and the hot apple spice would have been loose leaf tea as well. But these are all you know, from two of my favorite Canadian providers of course, David's Tea I've got to talk about first, they just came out with their fall line and two teas are really screaming at me. They're both Chais, both black tea blends. One is their maple Chai, and the other is smores. Chai. Now I have been in it's right around one year since Josh and I traveled to Canada. Last fall, we went to Banff National Park. And it was breathtakingly beautiful. Like such a fantastic trip. I think about it all the time. And it's really been just like sticking with me and coming to my memory. As I move into fall. I just miss it. And I, I would hope one day to go back to Canada to different places and also to those mountains in particular because it was just it was magical. And so with that I've been craving maple because now it reminds me of that trip. I had a lot of maple stuff when I was in Canada. And so this maple Chai sounds just like everything that I could ever want. And I will say right now, David's Tea is doing buy one get one 50% off on their fall teas. So they've got a pumpkin spice Chai, they also have a banana nut sort of thing. But this smores Chai, a little bit of the chocolate, a little marshmallow we notes. It's something about the fall, I just embrace the drinks that that tastes like dessert. And the sound awesome. I've now had many different teas from David's Tea, especially ones that sound like pastries, and they've all been really fantastic. I gotta say. So I think it's worth it if you're getting more than one if you have to pay for shipping. But I I really look forward to trying this maple tea. And then I have to shout out a Banff regional business which is Joe liens tea house. I discovered it when I was in Banff last year. And it's just the most fantastic tea store ever. It's all loose leaf. It's such a beautiful sort of cottage that's been turned into a store. That's how it feels anyway and I just fell in love with it. But they do sell online and so I wanted to shout out Julian's the two teas that I want to highlight are her banned for breakfast black tea, which is man it's like an English breakfast, but it's a little bit richer. It's a little bit more spicy. It's let me see if I can read her description of it. Here we go. Like a morning sunbeam lighting up a rocky mountain face. This is the perfect tea to wake up to this premium orange pekoe Breakfast tea is multi and smooth with just a hint of sweetness. So it's made with Assam tea to find his tippy golden flowery orange Pico and rose petals. So this orange pico I had it all over Canada and it was just awesome. If you're a fan of Assam black tea, this this blend was so so good. So comforting. Great with cream and a little honey. Oh my gosh. And the other tea that I want to highlight from Julian's is her maple rooibos tea verbose because it would then be caffeine free and maple because I've already talked about it. Every tea that I've tried from jellybeans is really, like crisp and particular. It's very specific, very. It tastes natural. It tastes fresh, it just it's such a pure, delicious collection of teas and I want to support her forever. If you ever find yourself in Banff. Absolutely go there. 100% Don't even worry about the other tea shops. Just go to Julian's. And like I said, they also do ship. I don't know if it's international all over the place, but at least to the US I know that they do. And I believe that David's teas does. I mean they're quite large. They're a chain. So look into those if you're interested in some more special weird autumn teas. Also, if you are interested in more of my Canadian adventures, Episode 68 came out last year and it's called Canadian autumn seasonal inspiration from my trip to Banff. It was so magical. And also podcast 70 came out last autumn and it's called cozy autumn drinks, Chai maple latte, fire cider and more. So if you'd like more autumn tea content I've got you covered. Okay next up a couple recipes Couple of them. I've not tried some of them I have, but they're all going to happen this fall. The first is an overnight baked apple oatmeal. That's from a beautiful mess. And it's the assembly happens at night, it then he goes in the oven in the morning, and it tastes like an apple pie. So they say or, in that vein, sort of like a bread, but it's just a baked oatmeal. I have this fantasy where I host someone in our new guest room. And then they are awoken to a beautiful breakfast and coffee and we sit outside and so I I'm in the process of sort of wrapping up this guest room space Josh and I've been doing a lot of work in the office slash guest room. And once it's up and running, I just want everyone in the vicinity to stay at my house. So this breakfast sounds like an ideal way to start that day. Next up is two different recipes from half baked Harvest Of course, one I have made before it's her brown butter, Maple Glazed cinnamon apple scones. I know that sounds like a lot. And I'm not really a fan of things that combine too many different things going on. But really it's just cinnamon apples combs. And then the glaze is maplelea but it's made with brown butter. So when you break it down like that, these are the autumn scones. This is it. I think I would be interested in a pumpkin scone as well sort of combat the one at Starbucks. But Josh is not a huge fan of pumpkin. But he does love apples. And so I tend to bake a lot with apples in the fall. And the scones are just next level delicious, amazing paired with one of those crazy teas that I just told you about. And your home will smell like a fairy tale. Next is also have my harvest a one pot stovetop, pumpkin mac and cheese. I have really been experimenting this summer with blue, like blending vegetables into sauces or making sauces with veggies in them. And so this sounds like a nice continuation of that, where you add cheese and you have your spices, maybe a little sage stuff like that, but But it's got pumpkin in it. I'm I'm trying to do more about squashes and pumpkin in savory dishes, either in soups or in sauces, and maybe in dips and stuff like that. So I'm looking forward to experimenting with this method. And this, this mac and cheese just looks next level. Next I want to highlight my recipe that I put on the blog last autumn, which is the slow cooker chicken tortilla chili. It's basically like a like a chicken chili but it has spices similar to like a chicken tortilla soup. So it has chipotle and adobo it's got cumin and chili powder and all of those things and I put salsa in it if I've got it, why not I but I've got the whole breakdown of the recipe. It's very simple to assemble in the crock pot. It smells good all day long. I've made it many times and oh my gosh, it's delicious. Finish it with lime juice, a little tortilla chips. It's I'm gonna make it all season. I love it. And finally, I've got a recipe that will probably be maybe a bit of experimentation, a bit of trial and error. It is from the live in kitchen to recipe for the nutmeg, ginger, Apple snaps, as appeared in the Fantastic Mr. Fox. I just saw this movie for the first time last year. And it was cute. I feel like there's a reason everyone watches it in the fall. And so I love making food for movies, as we all know, and so I was comparing a couple different recipes that people have tried to come up with for these Apple snaps. And it's hard to get that snap while baking with fresh fruit. So I think the key to these, it seems like a like a shortbread style cookie, but gingery like a ginger snap. And then I think the key is going to be to slice the apple really thin and maybe dry it out with a paper towel really well beforehand, because otherwise the senator isn't going to cook in the same way. So we'll see I plan on making them. Carolina if you're listening, I'll make sure to make them for you. Because that's one of our favorite movies. And maybe it will take more than one round to get them nice and snappy, but I'm always down to try something new and challenging in the kitchen. So those are the recipes that I look forward to this season. And then finally I've just got three three main activities three main things that have come back to me this fall. The first is crocheting, you know, the temperature goes down and the yarn comes back out. I haven't touched it all summer long, pretty much with the exception of a few little things. But I'm back on my game. And so I'm sharing two different patterns that I'm enjoying that I hope to make this fall. The first is a big project. It's one of those patchwork cardigans that I've seen them everywhere this year. Apparently, Harry Styles wore one someplace and not everybody wants one. But I've had a couple of patterns saved for a while and they're just they look so cozy. So I found one particular crochet pattern. It's in a video, I've linked it in the show notes. And I want to make it with like warm, neutral shades. So like some some really nice browns, maybe a very warm beige, maybe a very neutral sort of orange, we'll see i i would like to make just like a really snugly cozy cardigan, for this cold season. But that'll probably take awhile, we'll see. It'd be a good project for for this this whole cold season. And then a little bit more manageable. I now have a fireplace this year. And so I'm very excited to try and decorate it. But if you don't have a true mantel, of course, decorate a picture of frame a shelf, you get you get the gist with garlands. And so I've found a crocheted leaf garland. And the pattern that I've that I'm sharing the one that I found that I really like. I like it because it utilizes like many different leaf shapes. So even if you don't follow this pattern exactly for the whole garland, you can at least learn how to make different leaves. And she also does like Little Acorns and she uses a lot of colors. And so I plan on using some of those colors and some of those leaf techniques to make a version of it as a garland for my mantel. Very exciting and is definitely it could be many different kinds of projects. So maybe you just make one leaf and tie it with a piece of yarn on something, you know, you could get creative with how you want to decorate with little crocheted leaves. They make up really quick. And so I think that this would be a nice little quick project to do sometime. Number two is of course getting back into the garden. The autumn garden also known as bringing home a mum. I have a few pots on my front porch that had they started out cute in the spring and then they got really crispy through the summer. And it's just been so hot that I have not been motivated to be in the garden whatsoever. But now I'm now I'm coming back to it slowly. I swapped out those little crispy pots for some moms I got them for $4 at all the the grocery store and I had a little What is it the purple queen. I did not plant purple Queen this year. But I think it something must have come from the apartment like a seed was planted in some soil that somehow came in a container to the new house because it just started growing in a pot. So I've got a little bit of that a small pot with the purple queen and I've got like a rust burgundy ish mum and a yellow mum. And it just looks way more cheery on the front porch. Now maybe I'll get a pumpkin call it a day. And it's also a really great time right now in the autumn to start thinking about plants that need to spend the winter underground. So I've just planted a bunch of Narcissus bulbs this week. They are given to me by Josh's old boss actually, he just gave us huge bags of bulbs. So if you want to plant tulips, irises bulbs, so garlic, onions, these sorts of things, now's the time to look into that. Maybe designate a space for it so that you can plant them before the winter frost. And it's just nice to get out into the garden, give it a little refresh, do some weeding, do some trimming. Because now you're going to be able to use your yard again. And the third and final activity you could say that has come back into my mind this autumn is to think ahead to Christmas. I know what you're thinking that's way too far away. I don't even want to think that far. This is not at all to put a damper on your autumn spirit by no means it's just a nice way to simply reduce stress later. So if you are like no no thank you don't need to think about that many. Skip that but if you'd like to know more, head to podcast episode 69 reducing holiday stress part one because it truly does it It's fun and not stressful. And it helped me out a lot last year so yeah, those are my my activities for this fall aside from reading books and drinking tea, which will take up the bulk of the time. So I hope that this episode has given you plenty of ideas for this coming cozy season, and has made you as excited as I am for all that this fall will bring. Finally, I do want to highlight a few other episodes if you're looking for more fall, things to listen to episode 67. It's called cozy season is here everything I'm reading, watching and celebrating this autumn. A little bit different, but basically last year's version of this, and I talked about parties. Episode 38 is called welcoming autumn books shows activities to enjoy during the fall, and podcast episode 41 Fall flavors to spice up your kitchen. And actually now that I'm thinking about this, I don't have the I don't remember the exact number. I think it was like seven or something way back in the beginning. Of course, the old classic Auto Movie Night is back in the archives. In fact, I may ask on Instagram because it might be time for another movie night episode. Oh, we also did spooky movie night. Yeah. So basically, if you type autumn into life on the brink dot live, go into the blog section and just type autumn and you'll get many hits. Again, that's at life on the brink dot live. That's where you can find the blog, the podcast show notes for every episode, as well as recipes and extra stuff like that. Okay, thank you. This has been a very fun episode for me to make. And so I'll be right back with this week's little joy this week's little joy is an interaction I had with someone in the Taco Bell drive thru. Be because it was so out of the ordinary for me. A little over a week ago now I had a show with the group that I that I'm a part of the TrueTone honeys. We had a show about an hour and a piece away. It was in Richmond, Virginia. And so we we played our show, and we were finally leaving probably around 11pm. And so fortunately, I wasn't alone, I was with my friend Jeanette, and we drove back to, you know, to our city. And by the time we were close to my house, it had been like seven hours since either of us had eaten. And there's only a few places open past midnight. And so we ended up at Taco Bell. And I hadn't been to Taco Bell in quite a while and I definitely hadn't been anywhere past midnight in a long time. And so we order at the, at the little box in the drive thru and the guy who was working had just like the best sense of humor, I said something along the lines of okay, I just need like 30 seconds and then I'll I'll know just give her like, Give me a minute or something. And he said, Okay, I'm gonna count to 60 I'm playing with you, you know, like it was just like a little jokey joke. I've had a couple of experiences over the years at Taco Bell, we're just people are not not stoked to be there past, you know, 9pm, which is understandable. But it was just such a nice surprise that he was just so friendly. And we had had a long and tiring night. And so we told him as much as we got to the window. We were like, thanks for being so cool. Like, thanks for having such a great attitude right now. And so he was like, Well, my name is Trayvon and the surveys on the back of the receipt. Jeanette was like, I'm gonna do the survey. And then she didn't have tomatoes on her whatever she ordered. And so we went back through and we're like, Hey, can we get some tomatoes, and he came back with this big ol bowl, sealed up full of tomatoes. And I was like, Thank you, Trayvon. And it was just like a really, really good interaction. And it made me just realize and remember how the way we go about our day to day is even at our work, even in our normal day, can really stand out for someone else. It was very sweet and a good memory, a good moment of joy. So I also want to leave you with a playlist that I've probably talked about in previous fall episodes, but I've updated it a little bit so I'm just going to share it again because it hits so good for me. It's a playlist that I've made called kinda cozy, and it's got all of the fall necessities. It's got charlie brown, gray Pumpkin Charlie Brown music it's gotten that King Cole hits such as Autumn Leaves shine on Harvest Moon, Moon dance, lots of Moon lots of leaves, basically. And I've added to it a little bit more Ella Fitzgerald Oh, Autumn in New York as if we could have a playlist without it. Oh, plenty of Harry Connick Jr. Because you know, the sound of When Harry Met Sally, like, it's just always cozy to me. And so I've started listening to it. And I welcome you to listen to it as well. It's just a really nice intro to autumn playlist. So I'll leave that linked in the show notes as well. And once again, I just want to say thank you to everyone who tunes in who lets me know when you tune in, who leaves a review. If you haven't yet feel free over on Apple podcasts. It means a lot to see how the things that inspire me also inspire others. So it just means the world to me. Thank you so much. I hope to be back now on my every other week schedule so you can look forward to episodes on every other Thursday. I've got lots of really cool ideas and guests that I hope to bring on in the fall seasons. So I'll be back in two weeks with a new episode and I wish you a very beautiful lovely cozy start to the autumn season. Thank you for tuning in to this episode of Life on the brink. If you're enjoying these episodes, please feel free to leave a star rating or even better leave a review on Apple podcasts to help spread the word. For podcast show notes and extra inspirational posts throughout the week. Head to the blog at life on the brink dot live. And if you'd like a little extra dose of inspiration in your life, sign up for the monthly newsletter, which lights up your inbox the first Friday of each month. Thank you so much for listening. And until next time, friends you have a lovely week. Bye