Life On the Brink

*MINI:* On the Importance of Family

Anna Perkins Season 4 Episode 96

Hi everyone, I’m making a little mini episode/PSA to give a little update and to speak a bit about some very important things. There’s not a real structure to this, I just wanted to let you know what’s going on.
I still recommend making a cup of tea, as I’ve realized in the last few weeks just how comforting one can be.
*For the full blog post, click here*
For full transcript, click here!

Social: @anna_on_the_keys


Hi, everyone, welcome to episode 96 of life on the brink. It's a little mini episode today I was on the fence about even making anything right now, but I decided to and I'll explain in a few minutes, but I just wanted to give a little bit of a PSA or an update. And to just speak about some important things that I've been ruminating on. There's not a lot of real structure to this episode, I've labeled it as a mini, because it will be short, and it won't follow the same format necessarily, but I do still recommend you make a cup of tea. Because I've realized, especially in the last couple of weeks, just how comforting a cup of tea can be. as I record this, it's been about two weeks. Since I said goodbye to my grandma, her name was Betty Jean to Heather. And she's gone to be with the Lord. Fortunately, unlike many people, I actually did get to say goodbye. I was out of town, and it was somewhat sudden, and so I was really, really grateful that day for technology for being able to speak to her. If you've listened to this podcast for any length of time, you can probably tell that my family is very close. And I'm so glad that I live near so much of my family. We see each other no less than once a week. But oftentimes more than my grandma has been a constant presence in my life. And I'm still finding out how, how I go about my life here on this earth without her. If you've ever lost a loved one, you know, you understand what I mean. But this is my first time working through grief on this level. I've never been more grateful for my family and my dear friends and for a truly loving community. My grandmother was a woman of fortitude, generosity, kindness, and wisdom. She taught me to make toast when I was three years old. And she took me to my first piano lessons when I turned 10. She helped make my wonderful family what it is, and I'm so grateful to have learned from her. One of the greatest joys I've had over the past few weeks is hearing from friends that they see some of her in me that they can see more of a how I am the woman that I am. And to be compared to my grandma is a great hope for me. And of course, I have the greatest hope, knowing that she's partying in heaven. And that I will see her again. I guess my main goal in recording this is one because my grandma loved this podcast, she would listen to it every week. And I just couldn't carry on making it without acknowledging her and what's going on. And also, number two to simply encourage each one of you to reach out and hold on to and cherish the family around you. Whether it's your biological family or family that you've made in your life, or both. These bonds are essential when the storms of life come over the past two weeks I have been fed, held, prayed with listen to I've just been taken care of by the wonderful, incredible community around me and I'm so grateful for most likely you already know this. This isn't a new thing. You know, family but these relationships are one of the most important things that we carry on this earth. I'm realizing more and more how my family will change and how we must adapt as time goes on. I'm very nostalgic, and I love beautiful moments to stay exactly how they are indefinitely. Kind of in a Jo March Little Women sort of thing where she's like, why do we have to grow up and get married even as I've grown up and gotten married and things have changed changed, it's been great. But this really big change to my family is not only hitting really hard, but it's been very eye opening, I have to remain more open to more family, to more people to love. I'm excited by the idea of having children and watching our family change, again, with a new generation, I like that I'll be able to tell them all about their great grandma. And that that little bit of Puerto Rican in them is her to encourage that. Lastly, I would simply say that I am really, really glad I took photos and videos at family gatherings, and that that other people took them because I didn't always take them. I usually don't think about taking pictures a lot in the past few years, because I want to, you know, be in the moment be experiencing it. But looking back at those moments, this past week with my family has been so special. It you know, maybe it wasn't the most flattering picture of me. But that didn't matter at all, you know, it doesn't matter that my hair was out of place, it was just that I could remember I could hold on to the memory attached to it. And I could remember what we were doing what we were saying, and all the people that were there. And on that same note, I am so happy that I had my grandma on this podcast, she was a guest. And I have a really special conversation, a recording of her and my great aunt, talking about Christmas traditions of all things cooking Christmas foods that it's like, it's one of the most special things you can talk about, really. And I love that this creative project of this podcast and the blog has turned into a little bit of a time capsule of me and my family. And I'll cherish that conversation. Always. If you'd like to hear it and hear more, more of her. That's episode 44. By the way, I'm probably I'm going to wait until this Christmas and then and then see, I'll listen to it then. Also, I might have more relatives on this podcast. In light of that, just because it's nice to go back and listen. And same thing as the pictures in the video, having a full conversation and just a moment captured is really special. So you might hear more about people in my life. But we're cool. We're a bunch of interesting people, so don't worry. And that's essentially it. That's all I could come up with this week. And like I said, I didn't want to go on making this without addressing it. Because this has been a also another constant thing in my life. But that being said, I hope to continue making this on the bi weekly schedule. But no promises. Just because it This is also when the school year is starting and it's been surprisingly difficult to to do things to feel creative, and etc. I'm sure you understand. So I will return with a podcast. It might be in two weeks as scheduled, or it may not. I will definitely keep you updated on Instagram. If you follow me over there, you will never be surprised. But I do still love making this and and you know, it will carry on. I also just wanted to talk about little joys, this week's little joy is a lot of things. Because these little moments of joy have become more and more essential. And they've stood out and they've been really, really special. I spent a few hours in the garden when it wasn't really hot. And it was glorious. A cup of tea made by a friend was lovely. I'm I was hearing stories from my grandmother siblings, my great uncles and aunts about things that I never, ever knew about. I had a really good batch of popcorn. That was great. I watched my brother start college classes at my alma mater. That was very, very cool. And every day, I have a husband who loves me and he comes home and he wraps me up and I'm getting emotional. So it's just been really good. The practice of looking for these little joys has been invaluable. And so I encourage you to find yours to think about yours no matter how your week is going to be grateful. Thank you for joining me for this special mini episode. And for all of your love and support. Like I said, I'll be back soon And there's a lot of cool things going on with the house and other things. So I wish you the absolute best. Hold on to the people in your life and have a lovely week.